Hello everyone! It's me again, with another review about Little Baby product! :D What's make up base that you are currently using? I remember that my last makeup base was Etude House Magic Any Cushion (REVIEW) and since it's quite pricey, I would like to introduce you another alternative makeup base~
I have reviewed about Little Baby's Macaron Lip Balm and Body White Cream before, and I love the Body White Cream~ Feel free to read the reviews HERE and HERE ;)
Would this make up base works on me as well? Let's see..
Blossom Baby Base by Little Baby
Blossom Baby Base by Little Baby
What is it?
/ Apa sih ini? /
Basically it's a make up base for brightening effect. Available in two sizes, in 10 gr and 30 gr.
The 30 gr size (upgraded version) already contains SPF. This product was made in Thailand and contains grape seed extracts.
Pada dasarnya ini adalah make up base yang mengandung efek untuk mencerahkan. Tersedia dalam 2 ukuran, dalam 10 gr dan 30 gr. Untuk ukuran yang 30gr (yang versi lebih baru) juga mengandung perlindungan terhadap matahari. Produk ini dibuat di Thailand dan mengandung ekstrak biji anggur.
/ Deskripsi Produk /
Effects: Help to improve skin whitening
Direction: Use Blossom Base before make up. Apply over face and neck and gently spread to make perfect cover.
(It's funny how they got lots of typos here, do you notice it? ._.)
Price: IDR 1xx.xxx (10gr)
Untuk harga persisnya, bisa langsung kontak @ayako_beautyshop88
(Instagram) ya :) Karena harganya bisa berubah-rubah sesekali.
/ Kemasan /
Little Baby packaged this product in two sizes:
1. 10gr (I got this one, no SPF)
2. 30gr (upgraded version contains SPF)
As I got the 10 gr one, I only can comment about it :p I figured out that they packaged these 2 sizes of Blossom Make up Base in same box, so you will notice that there's "30 gr" word on the back of box. For the tube packaging itself, It's made in plastic material with twist-cap and pointy tip applicator. It's easy to control the amount of the cream, and its cap is quite secure as well. No worries about its packaging! :)
Untuk yang ukuran 10gr, tetap menggunakan kotak yang besar karena diseragamkan dengan yang ukuran 30gr. Jadi kalau kalian memperhatikan di deskripsi produk di belakang kotak, akan nampak tulisan "30gr" nya. Untuk kemasannya sendiri terbuat dari bahan plastik dengan disertai tutup putar dan ujung lancip yang memudahkan kita untuk dapat mengontrol banyaknya cream yang akan keluar. Packagingnya lumayan aman untuk dibawa-bawa travelling juga :)
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30 gr packaging |
Their 30gr size packaging is kinda reminds me with Too Cool For School Angel Hand Cream (review HERE), don't you think so? :p
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Manufacture date: 290514 |
It's pointy tip kind of dispenser. Easy to control the amount of makeup base and it won't easy to spill-out :) Ujungnya lancip, jadi gampang untuk kontrol isinya dan ngga mudah tumpah.
It smells quite nice, like berries scent. Not so overwhelming.
Wanginya lumayan oke, kayak wangi beri-beri gitu, dan ngga terlalu berlebihan.
/ Tekstur /
Little bit thick, not so easy to blends :s If you were in rush, I recommend you to not use this make up base, as it would cause patchy and uneven result. You should take your time to blend this make up base properly.
Teksturnya agak kental, ngga terlalu gampang untuk diratakan. Kalau kalian sedang terburu-buru, kusarankan untuk ngga memakai makeup base ini, karena akan menyebabkan hasil akhirnya jadi kurang bagus karena ada bercak-bercak pada permukaan setelah pengaplikasian foundation/BB cream :s. Kalian perlu untuk meratakan make up base ini perlahan-lahan agar hasilnya lebih oke.
/ Warna /
It has very light blue color, with little bit purplish hint. When I see its color, I was kinda afraid that it would generates very fair complexion of my face *__*
Warnanya biru cerah, dengan sedikit campuran warna ungu. Pas aku meliat warnanya, aku khawatir hasilnya nanti bakal keputihan di muka ku *__*
/ Tekstur /
Little bit thick, not so easy to blends :s If you were in rush, I recommend you to not use this make up base, as it would cause patchy and uneven result. You should take your time to blend this make up base properly.
Teksturnya agak kental, ngga terlalu gampang untuk diratakan. Kalau kalian sedang terburu-buru, kusarankan untuk ngga memakai makeup base ini, karena akan menyebabkan hasil akhirnya jadi kurang bagus karena ada bercak-bercak pada permukaan setelah pengaplikasian foundation/BB cream :s. Kalian perlu untuk meratakan make up base ini perlahan-lahan agar hasilnya lebih oke.
/ Warna /
It has very light blue color, with little bit purplish hint. When I see its color, I was kinda afraid that it would generates very fair complexion of my face *__*
Warnanya biru cerah, dengan sedikit campuran warna ungu. Pas aku meliat warnanya, aku khawatir hasilnya nanti bakal keputihan di muka ku *__*

I wish this make up base has more neutral color ._. It doesn't like CC Cream which would oxidizes after a while. Once it applied on my skin, my face will turns out so white. Fortunately, I have quite fair skin tone, I only need to add another layer of medium-tone BB Cream / powder, in order to make it looks more natural in real life.
As you can see, my skin tone increased one level after using this make up base, and it's quite noticeable.
My chin area looked so patchy due to rashly application
Overall Thoughts
/ Kesimpulan akhir /
This make up base can makes my BB Cream stay little bit longer than usual, maybe around 5-8 hours? Of course the result may vary to different persons. It depends on your skin type and current weather XD FYI, I have normal-combination skin type.
Since the application is quite tricky, I recommend you to apply very little amount of the Blossom Baby Base and blend it well gradually. If you apply it thickly (and rashly), most probably it would end up an uneven and patchy result. Unfortunately this make up base would not suitable for people who has medium-dark skin tone..
/ Kesimpulan akhir /
This make up base can makes my BB Cream stay little bit longer than usual, maybe around 5-8 hours? Of course the result may vary to different persons. It depends on your skin type and current weather XD FYI, I have normal-combination skin type.
Since the application is quite tricky, I recommend you to apply very little amount of the Blossom Baby Base and blend it well gradually. If you apply it thickly (and rashly), most probably it would end up an uneven and patchy result. Unfortunately this make up base would not suitable for people who has medium-dark skin tone..
Dasar makeup ini bisa membuat BB cream ku bertahan lebih lama, mungkin sekitar 5-8 jam? Tentu saja hasilnya akan berbeda-beda pada tiap orang. Tergantung dengan jenis kuit dan cuaca pada saat itu XD Aku punya jenis kulit normal-kombinasi.
Karena pengaplikasiannya agak sulit, aku merekomendasikan kalian untuk mengaplikasikan makeup base ini sedikit saja dan ratakan secara perlahan-lahan. Jika kalian mengaplikasikannya tebal dan terburu-buru, kemungkinan besar kalian hanya akan menyebabkan hasilnya tidak rata dan muncul bercak-bercak. Dan sayang sekali makeup base ini kurang cocok untuk orang-orang dengan warna kulit kuning langsat hingga gelap..
Pros (+)
+ Can brightens face instantly
+ Nice scent
+ Travel-friendly packaging
+ Quite long-lasting
Cons (-)
- Thick texture
- Little bit tricky application
- Only suitable for people with fair skin tone
- No SPF for 10gr size
/ Bisa beli di /
Ayako Beauty Shop
Official Distributor Little Baby Indonesia
Instagram: @ayako_beautyshop88
LINE ID: ayako-beautyshop
WA: 081237336646
Pin BBM: 21E7940E
Kakao ID: ayakobeautyshop
dari dulu aku belum punya base make up ce :D
ReplyDeleteagak takut juga kalo keputihan pake ini, penasaran pengen coba baby choux, tapi ada review produk baru dr cc jadi bingung :/
Haha iya wid >.< kalo keputihan aku akalin pke bb cream/powder yg lbh gelap tone nya
Deletewow this base brightens up your face alot ! o_o I personally do not like bases that make your skin look alot whiter because i end up looking like a ghost haha XD But i think it looks good on you because it looks natural on you. I honestly love the scent and the packaging its so cute >_< ♥
Yes me either >_<
DeleteI personally prefer cc cream for daily basis. Hehe. Thank you for stopping by :)
jadinya putih banget, tapi keliatan bagus sih ^^
ReplyDelete@freddy_friday blog
Hahaha makanya agak risky kalo dipake utk yg kulit medium-dark tone >.<
DeleteSayang ya ce nggak semua warna kulit bisa pakai ini, padahal bagus ya bisa bkin make up lebih tahan lama..
ReplyDeleteIyaa sayang ._.
Deleteterlalu putih ya ternyata, gimana aku yang pake :''
Bagus kayanya basenya,cuma bikin keliatan putih powl ya
ReplyDeletelebih praktis tetep cc or bb cream ya
mirip basenya TFC lovely me:ex ><
ReplyDeletedri poto texturnya mirip banget, trus sama2 bikin 'keputihan' XD
Artinya aku gak bisa pake ini nih ._. kulitku warnanya kuning langsat soalnya. Itu hasilnya jadi putih aneh gitu ya emang?