Hello June! ^___^ I guess it's my first post in June hehe.
To begin this month, I'm gonna show you what I've tried few days ago :D
It's Kiss Kiss Lovely Lip Patch from Tony Moly~
Well, it's a short review from me :)
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I dunno why its color looks blue-ish rather than red-ish XD |
The packaging is totally irresistible and adorable XD look at the ducky's red lips ♥
This lip patch makes your lips smooth, soft and kissable.
Tear open and apply to lip, leave on for 15-20 minutes and then remove
First impression
I never tried any lip patch before, so I was pretty intrigued to try this kind of lip patch ^^
Will it moisturize my lips as its claim?
Tear the open and put the jelly directly onto your lips~ :D
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What a over-size lip patch. LOL. I found its size is kinda cute and not annoying at all ^_^ |
Scent & Texture
Seriously it scents like jelly scent! Its essence amount is quite tolerable and not overwhelming :)
It's also bouncy and fluffy, just like real jelly *___* I want to eat it!
How it works on my lips?
To be honest I couldn't see any noticeable difference before and after the application .__.
Well, maybe my lips wasn't in worst condition, so I can't see the result well..
Overall thoughts
This is end of my curiosity :p LOL. It was a nice lip patch, but I don't think I will use this kind of lip patch often. Maybe it just didn't work well on my.. Does it works well for you?
Pros (+)
+ Moisturizing my lips well
+ Nice scent
+ Nice texture
Cons (-)
- Temporary moisturizing effect
- There's no significant effect afterwards
This product was sponsored by W2BEAUTY for review purpose
Have you tried any kind of lip patch before? ^__^
Thanks for reading and see ya on my next post! xx

Lucu yaa bentuknya. Belum pernah nyobain lip patch sebelumnya.
iya lucu ^^ ini aku jg baru pertama kali coba
Deletelucuu packagingnya ci XD blm pernah coba juga cuma sering liat lucu model patch gini :3 hehe
ReplyDeleteiya unyu banget cel XD
DeleteI've never heard about it before! It looks very nice~ >)
ReplyDelete❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤
so cute, isn't it? :)
Deleteaduuh lucuunyaaa... unyu2 kyk jelly gitu... hehe... jd pngen nyobain jg nih klo unyu gitu... hehe...
ReplyDeleteiya cobain aja glo ^^ kali aja cocok hehe
DeleteIni cuma dipake sekali doang ya vi? Mau nyoba tapi sayang. hahahaha
ReplyDeleteiyaa,.. kan kayak sheet mask gt hehe ^^
DeleteOMG! Cute bgt >.< trus jadi nge pink gt ya bibirnya :)
oh iya, agak sedikit ngepink ya Yu XD aku malah baru notice hahaha
DeleteAaaa, lucuuuu bebeknyaa x) try it soon ah. Beli banyak buat pajangan d:
ReplyDeletewkwk buat pajangan ya? XD hihi
Deletecute packaging... pink ada bebek2nya....
ReplyDeleteSo cute and pretty! I have been wanting to try this but it's pretty expensive, I mean, those I have come across often price at $5 or more and that's a bit too much for something on a one-time use? Anyways, I'd still love to try this!
ReplyDeleteKay ♡ imladiiekay
yes, it's a bit too much for something on a one-time use >__<
DeleteAh packagingnya lucu bgt ce~ Ini mirip sm yg punya etude ya? ^^
ReplyDeletehehe iyaa la ^^ lucu banget ya packagingnyaa
DeleteKok gak ada foto seluruh wajah pake lip patch ini sih. pake lucu x) *dipukul*
ReplyDeletewaktu itu muka lagi kumal XD jd ga ada foto seluruh wajah
cute banget packagingnya ya shel.. sayang dibuang >_<
ReplyDeletebtw hasilnya ga trll berbeda ya cuma bibir km keliatan lbh lembab ^^
iya lucu ya wie *Q*
Deletepackingnya super cute OMG ><
ReplyDeleteItuuuu lip patch-nya sayang ya dibuang setelah dipakenya >.< Hihihi
ReplyDeleteGak bisa disulap jadi pajangan dinding?!! #plak
bisa aja klo mau XD LOL
Deletejadi agak pink gitu ya ci hihi.. aku juga penasaran bgt pgn nyoba lip patch bgini cuma labil hahaa..
ReplyDeleteakbaru tau tonymoly juga ngeluarin lip patch , ak kira dari etude aja hehe
ReplyDeletehuu lucu packagingnya >.<
ReplyDeleteaku pernah pakai iniii ce, sama yg etude juga.. entah kenapa daerah bibirku langsung merah T^T huhu mgkn sensitif kali ya
oiya? o.o mungkn sensitif kali yaa
Deleteaku penasaran mau nyobain sejenis lip patch gini cuma karena bentuknya yg unik bgt haha, kalo soal ampuh apa ngga nya bikin bibir lebih lembab, udah dari awal skeptis gitu :D scrubing bibir teratur sejauh ini yg bikin bibir jadi lebih lembut :D
ReplyDeletehehe iya ga instan :) scrub jg akan membantu
Deletethx for giveaway
ReplyDeleteih lucu banget yaks ^^
ReplyDeletepengen sih nyobain ini untuk bibir ku yg super kering,tapi sayang banget cuman bisa dipake sekali doang. packaginya mirip sm etude ya
packagingnya lucu yaa >,<
ReplyDeletekeliatan lebih halus dan cerah sih kak kalo lihat di foto. :D
Oh I have this xD and I love it but its true, the moist are temporally :(
ReplyDeletebentuknya lucu ya, tapi rasanya sayang ya kalau cuma sekali pakai... hehhehehe
ReplyDeletekelihatan masih bagus gitu dibuang :D
cute vee,,
ReplyDeletedi foto ada sedikit efek di bibir kamu, lebih pink n cerah gitu..
tapi mending pake lip balm ya,, lebih simple
Aku lom pernah nyobain lip patch. Unyu banget ve ketika dipake. Bentuknya juga unyu..
this is so cute. Beautiful post
ReplyDeletelucuw sayang cuma dipakai sekali kalo hasilnya gak keliatan kan percuma
ReplyDeleteI recently saw this on Michelle Phan's video and I was cutious to know whether it works or not as I have dry lips sad to know it's not worth trying and you are right it is over sized o_0
ReplyDeleteid like to try this
ReplyDeletelucu bangettt, jadi pengen coba hihi XD
ReplyDeletekebesaran buat 1 bibir yah, tapi packingnya unyuuuuu....
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting product. I firt saw this through Michelle Phan's haul video and I found the concept to be very cute and nice but like you, I don't think I will have much use for this product. I reckon it would be a great product for those with drier lips. ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm having an international Dariya Palty Japanese Foam Dye Giveaway. If you're interested, you can check it out here:
it's cute hehe...making me want to try it
ReplyDeleteCe ga foto muka? ._. Pasti kalo lagi pake itu kitut banget ><
ReplyDeleteaaaak packagingnya lucu banget <3 pengen cobain tapi sayang cuma bisa sekali pakai doang yah, sayang dibuang karena lucu packagingnya hahaha terus kalo ga keliatan hasilnya jadi percuma ya kalo coba buat beli :/
ReplyDeleteomooo lucuuu banget, lumayan gedhe juga ya ternyata
ReplyDeletebtw itu ada rasanya nggak ce?hihihiii
Lucu pas dipake.. XD
ReplyDeletemending lip patch tony moly atau etude sih?:')