Hello hello guys! ^__^ I'm coming back with another lippies review!
Actually I didn't plan to buy more lipsticks, since I still have a lot.. but Maybelline threw sudden hidden surprise to their customers last March. Without any announcement on their official social media accounts, they distributed COLOR SHOW Lipstick in sets! The Color Show Lipstick sets were limited editions and I guess the distribution didn't cover all counters of Maybelline in Indonesia, but lucky me.. I got chance to buy one of three sets in Matahari Department Store Cito Surabaya XD
Jadi ceritanya kemarin bulan Maret itu mendadak Maybelline bikin surprise.. tiba-tiba aja tanpa pemberitahuan di social media, mereka keluarin 3 set Color Show Lipstick yang dikemas secara limited edition dan ngga didistribusikan secara merata di semua counter seluruh Indonesia (rasanya sih ya, soalnya ada beberapa kenalan di kota kecil yang ngga nemu di counter Maybelline terdekat). Harganya murmer banget dan udah dapet 5 biji lipen XD Mana bisa aku nolak? Hehehehehehe.. Akhirnya aku beli juga 1 set buat diriku sendiri ^.^
Please welcome the new members of my lip products collection.. :D
Maybelline Color Show Lipstick!
Because I'm more comfortable with nude lipstick, I chose this set! ^__^
Anyway, I got the information about these sets from group member of Beauty enthusiasts community that I'm managing in Facebook :D :D Let's take a look other sets!
The complete limited edition Maybelline Color Show Lipstick sets:
1. Bold Attitude (dominan warna mencolok)
2. Pretty in Pink (dominan warna pink)
3. Nude Sensation (dominan warna nude)
If I'm not mistaken, the actual price of Maybelline Color Show lipstick is like.. IDR 30,000-40,000 probably? And I got 5 different colors of them for ONLY IDR 100,000 ^.^ Good deal or not? Hehehe
Kalau ngga salah, kalau beli satuan sih harga nya sekitar Rp 30.000-40.000 tapi untuk 1 set ini harganya cuma Rp 100.000 dan dapet 5 biji ^.^ Penawaran yang menggiurkan kan? Hehehe
The packaging is quite boring and not so impressive (at least for me). It's bullet squared black packaging with different stripes color at the middle, which is actually doesn't really helpful to differentiate the colors by only seeing the packaging in a glance XD
The only way to differentiate the colors is by seeing the bottom of the lipsticks, oops sorry there is a lipstick that I placed upside down :p
Maybelline Color Show Lipstick has smooth texture and could last for up to 6 hours, completed with 15 pretty colors. I heard Maybelline released 27 shades in India, but they only released 15 colors in Indonesia (as stated on their website).
15 pilihan warna favorit. Tekstur lembut dan melembabkan bibir
Warna tahan lama hingga 6 jam.
The Bullet Shape
These lipsticks have regular bullet lipstick shades with pointy edge to make the application easier.
I don't know how durable the bullet is, because I never put it below sun heat :p But I think the bullet is quite sturdy and ain't easily melt off.
Shades Details
301 True Toffee: Nude color with hint of orange
105 Pinkalicious: Coral nude pink color with hint of red
101 Pink Avenue: Bright (and much tolerable) nude pink
107 Pink Paradise: Quite similar with Pink Avenue on my lips, but it's darker
305 Nude Mocha: Nude reddish mocha color
Pigmentation & Longevity
To be honest, I always have hard time to differentiate shades of Pinkalicious, Pink Avenue and Pink Paradise x_x They're look pretty similar and difficult to distinguish! They're all so pigmented, and have good staying power :D
If I apply lip balm underneath, it only can stays for around 2 hours.
But if I don't apply lip balm underneath, it can stays for more than 5 hours! The lipstick will fades away after heavy meal, and it's pretty normal.
Sejujurnya aku selalu kesulitkan untuk membedakan warna Pinkalicious, Pink Avenue dan Pink Paradise x_x keliatan mirip-mirip kalau udah dipake. Haha. Selain warnanya sangat pigmented, daya tahan lipstick ini juga bagus :D
Kalau aku pake lip balm dulu sebelum lipstick, cuma bisa bertahan sekitar 2 jam. Tapi kalau aku ngga pake lip balm sebelumnya, bisa tahan sampai lebih dari 5 jam lho! Tapi tentu saja abis makan berat, lipsticknya bakal pudar dan hilang :D Hal yang sangat normal menurutku.
If I apply lip balm underneath, it only can stays for around 2 hours.
But if I don't apply lip balm underneath, it can stays for more than 5 hours! The lipstick will fades away after heavy meal, and it's pretty normal.
Sejujurnya aku selalu kesulitkan untuk membedakan warna Pinkalicious, Pink Avenue dan Pink Paradise x_x keliatan mirip-mirip kalau udah dipake. Haha. Selain warnanya sangat pigmented, daya tahan lipstick ini juga bagus :D
Kalau aku pake lip balm dulu sebelum lipstick, cuma bisa bertahan sekitar 2 jam. Tapi kalau aku ngga pake lip balm sebelumnya, bisa tahan sampai lebih dari 5 jam lho! Tapi tentu saja abis makan berat, lipsticknya bakal pudar dan hilang :D Hal yang sangat normal menurutku.
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Maybelline Colorshow Lipstick: Pinkalicious |
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Maybelline Colorshow Lipstick: Pink Avenue |
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Maybelline Colorshow Lipstick: Pink Paradise |
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Maybelline Colorshow Lipstick: Nude Mocha |
Overall Thoughts
I'm satisfied with these lipstick. They're all highly pigmented, glide on lips smoothly, doesn't sink into fine lines and doesn't dry out my lips :D :D The shades range is pretty wide and the price is unbelievable cheap! I wear them everyday in office because their colors are very wearable for daily basis ^.^
I'm satisfied with these lipstick. They're all highly pigmented, glide on lips smoothly, doesn't sink into fine lines and doesn't dry out my lips :D :D The shades range is pretty wide and the price is unbelievable cheap! I wear them everyday in office because their colors are very wearable for daily basis ^.^
Secara garis besar aku puas dengan lipstick ini. Warna-warnanya bagus, pigmentasinya oke banget, teksturnya lembut, ngga bikin garis-garis halus di bibir makin terekspos, dan ngga bikin bibir kering :D :D Pilihan warnanya lumayan banyak dan harganya murahh! Aku pake lipstick ini ke kantor tiap hari, soalnya warna-warnanya cocok buat sehari-hari :)
Pros (+)
+ Wide range of shades
+ Smooth texture
+ Doesn't sink into fine lines
+ Doesn't dry out my lips
+ Cheap!
+ Cheap!
+ Easy to be found in drugstore or department store :D
+ Good staying power
Cons (-)
- Not so impressive packaging ._.
- There are some similar shades one to another
Have you tried this lipstick? Which shade(s) that you own?
Thank you for reading all :D
waahh..keren nih. Bagus2 lagi warnanya. Bisa ganti2 warna tiap hari. Meluncur ke outlet Maybelline terdekat ahh..
ReplyDeleteIyaa bener bgt ^^
DeleteShade-nya yang bener True Toffee Shel ^^ Aku pernah punya soalnya, tapi sekarang udah kulego. Nggak suka warna oren, bosenan akuuhh hahaha Btw, yg Nude Mocha kirain coklat ternyata MLBB yakk :)
ReplyDeleteya ampun baru sadar Nin :P :P bntr lg kuedit deh hehe
Deletethanks yaaa Nin
Iya bagus kok ternyata warnanya ^^
Ini pernah ada promo nya di fb watson sekitar bulan desember. Aku paling suka warna yg nude mocha, MLBB soalnya ^^
ReplyDeleteOMG cakep semua Shel ^0^
ReplyDeleteAku punya pinkalicious sama pink avenue tuh. Suka banget sama warna dan harganya hahaha
Nice review Shel ^_^
Gratefulbeauty Blog
warnanya cakep2 ya di bibir kamu, keluar semua gitu <3<3
ReplyDeleteAhh aku baru tau mereka ngeluarin paketan gini. Staying powernya berapa jam?
ReplyDeletePink Paradise di kamu keliatan seger Vi.. :)
Hwaaa..pengen borong tiga tiganyaaa :))
ReplyDeleteHuwaaaa jadi pengen beli juga nih!!! *buru-buru ngecek konter maybelline di sini*
ReplyDeletewarna lipstick yg kamu coba bagus yaa, jadi pengen ... #mupeng
suka sama lippies ini murah meriah dan warnanya cantik2. paling penting ga bikin bibir kering !
ReplyDeletesuka warnanya tapi ya balik lagi tergantung warna bibirnya dulu overall memang warnanya bagus- bagus ya..kemarin aku beli yang fire cracker red!! klo satu kali ulas bisa jadi coral klo 2 kali pulas baru merah cabe. jadi penasaran mau coba warna lain.
Cici semua warnanya sekali swatch langsung keluar? Terus finishnya matte/glossy? Thx
ReplyDeleteCici semua warnanya sekali swatch ga? Trs semuanya finish matte/glossy? Thx ^^
ReplyDeletehi, i used to buy them last year but now when i try to find it in Singapore, its no longer available *shocked* and *sad*, i like the lasting effect :(
ReplyDeleteDo you or anyone knows if it is just meant to be of limited edition when they come out or is it discontinued altogether pls......thks.