Hello everyone! :D
Here I present to you, another contact lens review of mine!
Actually, this is my first time trying contact lens from Dueba.. I heard many good reviews about Dueba so I gave a try ^_^ I'm trying on Dueba Dreamy.i Contact lens in Brown Color.
Got this piggy lens case as well ♥♥
There are six colors of Dueba Dreamy.i series and I decided to play safe by chosen brown color XD
Got this lens from LensVillage ♥♥
Dueba contact lens comes in bottle packaging. Look at the illustration! *O* So cuteee, isn't it?
I love it so much!
Brand: Dueba
Series: Dreamy.i
Color: Brown
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Life Span: 1 year
B.C: 8.6mm
Origin: Korea
Power available in -0.00 to -10.00, I got mine in -2.25. Actually I have different power sight >.<
Color & Pattern
Its color is pretty vibrant and looks like hazel color, while its pattern is quite natural and simple.
It doesn't has thick outer ring, so this lens doesn't has enlargement effect.
How it looks on my eyes
Low water content doesn't irrelevant with comfort of a contact lens. Dueba Dreamy.i only contains 38% water content but it's SOOO COMFORTABLE! I can wear it all day without eyedrops ^___^
Maybe because its diameter isn't too big so my eyes doesn't get tired easily :)
Still narutal for everyday
![]() |
I also wore them in my last tutorial: 4Minute Hyunah "Whatcha Doin Today" Tutorial :) |
Overall Thoughts
This is my first Dueba contact lens and I like it very much! ^___^ I'm satisfied with its comfort and the lens' thickness is perfect! Not too thin nor too thick :D
Pros (+)
+ Vibrant color
+ Very comfortable
+ Suitable for daily look or special occasion
+ I can wear them all day up to 10 hours without eyedrops
Cons (-)
- Somehow I look like little bit alien-ish (in real life) with this contact lens XD
- Not suitable for dolly look
Where to buy?
Website: http://www.lensvillage.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lensvillage
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lensvillage
Instagram: www.instagram.com/lensvillagedotcom
Are you a beginner and looking for good contact lens? I recommend you to try Dueba ^__^
Anyway, what's your favorite Dueba contact lens? :D Please let me know hehe
Thank you for reading everyone! XOXO

jd pengen coba dueba jugaa pd blg enak dipakenya :D
ReplyDeletebtw cc style eyelinernya puppy eyes gni jd lebih lucu looh~ ahahah
hehe cobain gih cell ^^ enak kok, krn diameternya ga terlalu gede jd mata ga cpt cape
Deletewih tau aja klo ini lg coba2 puppy eyes cel :3 wkwk. Thank you <3
Shell.. suka ganjel nggak sich pake diameter yang besar2?? kalo aku pakai diameter yang beser gitu, paling cuma sebentar aja, karena kadang suka nggak betah (T____T)
ReplyDeleteyg ini diameternya ga gt besar kok ^^ makanya ga ada efek dolly nya hehe
Deleteklo aku sih ngga ngganjel yaa >.< mungkin krn mslh kebiasaan aja, mba?
wah packagingnya lucu banget, aku jg punya warna brown gini tapi dari japan softlens hehe. Kece ya, kamunya makin cantiiiiiiiiik :*
iya lucu banget ^^ hehe
Deletebisa ajaa km rie >.< thank youu *blushed*
aku jg suka sama dueba shel, nyaman n ringan gitu..^^
ReplyDeletekadar air semakin rendah semakin nyaman kok shel xD
iyaa wiie ^^ slama ini aku salah paham jg :p
Deletekadar air tinggi ga brarti softlens pasti nyaman *_*
cantikkkkk bangeeeeet aaah gemeeeeesss >,<
ReplyDeleteThank youu ritsu <3
DeleteYou are so kawaii! <33
ReplyDelete❤ ✿ NEW POST ✿ ❤
Thank you Rinako ^^
DeleteDueba emang favorit ku dari dulu vii <3 kamu cakep banget de pake seri ini. aku sih fave nya puffy grey sama dueba BT 15. :3 Coba deh pake yang cookies. yg cookies cakep bangettt menurutku dan cocok kayaknya di kamu XD
ReplyDeleteMakasihh san XD hehe
Deletewahh kayaknya dueba yg km sebutin smuanya jrg ada ya o.o coba nanti aku searching2 dulu, thx infonya yaa <3
Packagingnya lucuu bangettt sihh^O^
ReplyDeleteCocok buat km non..Cutee♥
tp mmg wtn brown paling natural buat daily.. hihi
iyaa brown plg cocok buat sehari2 ce ^^
Deleteaku takut kalo beli yg wrnnya ngejreng2, mlh jrg kepake >.< jd mubazir
Cute dch yg pict terakhir, ptongan rmbutnya bkin tmbah cute di wjahmu say..
ReplyDeleteModel apa tu ptongannya?? #salahfokus he he
thank youu ^^ hehe.. itu sbenernya cuma agk distyling aja biar keliatan lbh messy,
Deletengga abis potong rmbut kok XD
cantik banget vee!! unyuuuu!! :*
ReplyDeletemakasihh gita cantikk :*
DeleteFoto terakhir kamu, tatapan matamu menggoda banget. Wow.. kadar airnya dibawah 40%.. Pasti bener-bener enak dipake.
cantikkk!!! kamu manis banget :D
ReplyDeleteI love it! I have dueba lens and are really soft , this model are cute *_* But dont looks at all brown, by the way are cute <3
ReplyDeletethey look so cute on you, really want to try lenses :)
ReplyDeleteGood choice! : ) You looks so cute♥