Heyaaa everybodyyyy.. I present to you.. another event report from me! ^^
I was invited to attend beauty event called "Collection Mini Focus Group" on Saturday, 20th July 2013. No, this event wasn't for only beauty blogger, but for all make up enthusiast! ;D
I would like to thank Cie Mindy and Cie Pauline from Pinkandundecided for hosting this event ^____^
Well, I was TOTALLY CLUELESS about a make up brand named COLLECTION @__@
Cie Shasha contacted me few weeks ago about this event and I just said "Yeah! I wanna attend that event" because I was free that afternoon :D
This event consists of two session, first session was held at 10.00 and second session at 12.30.
Me and some my Surabaya Beauty Bloggers friends decided to attend the 2nd session. Sabrina kindly picked me up few hours before the event started. She told me that she needed to wait for her friends in CiTo. Her friends would join this event and Sabrina kindly shared her car. She's such a angel! >w< How kind she is :)
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Sabrina and Me
Sabrina is soooo taller than me *w* I'm 164 cm.
I wish my future boyfriend will has same height with Sabrina LOL
Meanwhile we're waiting, I managed time to have lunch ;P
Okay, after struggled with bad traffic, finally we arrived at Plaza Hotel Surabaya's The Boardroom >__<
So basically in this event, representative from COLLECTION coming to Indonesia and hosted mini focus group to gather information about interest of Indonesian's women in make up. All we need to do is play with makeup, sounds fun? :3 LOL
Each session was occupied by 15 makeup enthusiasts. Coincidentally second session filled by more beauty bloggers (compared to the 1st session) ^u^
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Ms. Donna, representative from COLLECTION brand |
This event is kind of an introduction to the brand named COLLECTION.
COLLECTION ranks at #3 in UK and they've been around since 80'es. COLLECTION is a 25 years old British brand and they used to be available in the UK only. Nowadays, they are already available in some Asian countries like Hong Kong, Philipines and Thailand, and setting up to launch soon in Singapore, Malaysia and a few other. They have their eyes set on Indonesia next, obviously, but so far there's no set date or time frame on when they will finally come to Indonesia. Fingers crossed, it'll be sooner than later! Oh, they used to go with the name Collection 2000 but recently dropped the 2000 and re-name themselves simple "COLLECTION".
We're seriously discussing about make ups XD
They want to know more about our preference and feedback ^^
Lastly, they brought us some COLLECTION products and let us played with them!!
Most of us become super-excited and trying them all one by one XD
Swatch-ing timeeeee!!!!
After the event finished, they kindly gave us a goody bag!! XD
Aaahhh we're so happy.. Thank you Ms. Donna, Thank you COLLECTION! ^^
Anyway I don't know that beauty bloggers from Surabaya are a lot O_O
Glad to know them from this event! I met many new bloggers ^^ Nice to meet u all!
If you attended this event and we haven't greeted properly, please comment down below your name along with your blog link ;) hehehe
From left to right:
Glory Chen | Lina | Sabrina | Caroline | Cie Yessy | Cie Shasha | Me | Kiki
finally I could meet Kiki in person! She's so friendly ;) I like her skill in nail art!
Glory chen and Katherine too :D Nice to meet you all
- Katherine (The girl in white dress with hair band)
- Tasya (sorry i forgot your face already >_<)
I can't remember which one is beauty blogger except girls that I have mentioned above ._.
The most exciting part! :3 Goody Bag!
Actually I've gotten 10 items, but at the end I gave 2 lipsticks to cie Mindy because I don't like their colors >.< I won't make it waste, better I give them back. haha.
Gonna review them as soon as possible ^^ *finger crossed*
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#Pink, #Undecided & Miss Donna |
Thank you for the nice event! :)
Thanks for reading, guyssss!! See ya later!
setujuuu sayyy ^^/ sabsab its an angel