Hey guys! How's your day? As I promised before, now I present to you the activities that I did with my travel mate; Emma, during my 3 days and 2 nights in Sapporo! :D After we arrived at New Chitose Airport in Sapporo, we initially wanted to spend some time in Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park inside the building of New Chitose Airport but we hadn't enough time to go inside the main attraction T_T Yeah, as you have read on my previous post, my flight from Tokyo to Sapporo delayed for around 2 hours and our itinerary was quite distracted. But, to feed up our curiosity, we decided to stroll around for a while before leaving the airport.
Hi semua! Gimana nih kabarnya? Sesuai janjiku sebelumnya, aku akan melanjutkan ceritaku mengenai aktivitas yang kulakukan bareng teman seperjalananku; Emma, selama 3 hari dan 2 malam di Sapporo! Setelah kami sampai di Bandara New Chitose di Sapporo, kami sebenarnya berencana main-main selama beberapa saat di Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park yang ada di dalam gedung bandara New Chitose ini, tapi kami ngga punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi atraksi utamanya T_T Yes seperti yang udah kalian baca di postku sebelumnya, penerbanganku dari Tokyo ke Sapporo kena delay 2 jam jadi jadwal jalan-jalan kami agak molor. Tapi biar ngga penasaran, kali memutuskan untuk tetap ngecek tempat ini dan jalan-jalan sebentar sebelum meninggalkan bandara.
Read also: Trip to Sapporo (Part 1); Fly to Sapporo with ANA & HAnavi
To be honest, I wanted to visit Fujiko. F. Fujio Museum in Kawasaki so bad T_T でも... We didn't have sufficient time to visit Kanagawa, so for now we had to accept reality and contented with Doraemon Sky Park in Sapporo, though we only strolled around and took tons of pictures (sounds like window shopping ^_^;;) there. FYI, to visit this place is free of charge, but you need to pay for 800 yen if you want to visit the Doraemon Land. We wanted to go inside, but unfortunately we were run out of time, since we had to catch up next bus to our hotel.
Sejujurnya aku pengen banget pergi ke Musium Fujiko F. Fujio yang ada di Kawasaki T_T Taapii karena ngga sempet ke Kanagawa, kami harus menerima kenyataan dan berpuas diri dengan Doraemon Sky Park ini, meskipun kami cuma window shopping dan foto-foto, tapi lumayan lah daripada ngga sama sekali ^_^;;. Oh ya, kalo mau ke tempat ini sih gratis, tapi kalau mau masuk ke Doraemon Land ke dalamnya harus bayar tiket 800 yen. Kami mau-mau aja sih ke dalam, tapi karena harus ngejar bis ke hotel, jadi ngga sempet..
Location of Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park:
Shin-Chitose Airport Terminal Building 3F, Chitose 066-0012, Hokkaido
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Kiddy Land |
Kiddy Land and Workshop in Doraemon Sky Park area are pretty much designed for kids and teenagers. The workshop class looks so interesting >_< In this workshop class your kids may read books, comics or learn some DIYs and have fun there.
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いらっしゃいませ~ |
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I don't know how to call this item.. anyone have idea? '__' |
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Learn how to color your Doraemon & Dorami |
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Inside the classroom, those desks and chairs are so small and cute :3 |
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Sneaked into the class quietly when others didn't notice and shamelessly took pictures :P :P |
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Doraemon Cafe! |
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So kawaii!! As expected, their prices are relatively expensive for budget-traveler like me </3 |
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Looking for Doraemon stuff? This shop might be a right place for you |
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*bweee* |
Sayonara Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park, the place where I can't see the park itself XDD
Life is a mistery indeed. #gakjelasbangetsihgw
Next... we looked for the Chuo Bus Stop hurriedly because we were confused with the airport's signage but finally we could sat back and relaxed for a while in this warm Chuo Bus ^_^; We chose Chuo Bus as our transportation to Sapporo because it's cheap and also stop at ANA Hotel Sapporo (our hotel) so we didn't need to walk by feet to reach our hotel anymore. Anyway, one way fare from New Chitose to Sapporo is only 1,030 yen, paid in cash at bus counter inside airport terminal and pre-booked is not necessary.
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The red-white Chuo Bus (credit: wikimedia.org/) |
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One way fare: 1,030 yen |
For those of you who doesn't know, actually New Chitose (Shin-Chitose) Airport isn't in Sapporo yet, but it's still in Chitose area. New Chitose Airport, located approximately 45 kilometers from the Sapporo city center ^_^
Bagi kalian yang belum tau, sebenarnya Bandara New Chitose ini bukan berada di Kota Sapporo nya, tapi masih di daerah Chitose. Bandara New Chitose sendiri letaknya sekitar 45 kilometer dari pusat kota Sapporo ^_^
To reach Sapporo by bus from New Chitose Airport, you have two options: Chuo Bus or Hokuto Kotsu Bus. These buses are basically pretty similar, but they come from different companies.
Chuo Bus and Hokuto Kotsu Bus operate services from the airport to Sapporo City departing every 10–15 minutes. The bus takes approximately 70 minutes to arrive in central Sapporo. There are bus terminals at two locations on the first floor of the domestic terminal and at one location on the first floor of the international terminal. Tickets can be purchased at the bus counter or from ticket vending machines and used for buses from both companies. (source: http://www.welcome.city.sapporo.jp/)
Kalau mau ke Sapporo dari Bandara New Chitose, ada dua pilihan: Naik Bis Chuo atau Bis Hokuto Kotsu. Dua bis ini sebenarnya mirip-mirip tapi bedanya mereka berasal dari dua perusahaan yang berbeda.
Bis Chuo dan Bis Hokuto Kotsu beroperasi dan berangkat dari Bandara New Chitose setiap 10-15 menit. Bis ini akan mencapai Kota Sapporo dalam waktu kurang lebih 70 menit. Ada dua terminal bis di dua lokasi yang berbeda; satu di lantai 1 terminal domestik dan satunya lagi di lantai 1 terminal internasional. Tiket bisa dibeli di konter bis atau ticket vending machine yang digunakan oleh dua perusahaan ini.
(sumber: http://www.welcome.city.sapporo.jp/)
Inside the Chuo Bus, pretty much clean and comfortable
Around 70 minutes later, we arrived immediately at ANA Hotel Sapporo. We checked-in, dropped our luggages and went to JR Sapporo Station in rush because we had appointment with a staff from HIS Hokkaido to receive our tour tickets. I left my camera in my room because I thought we still had time to back to hotel and take shower; which was I regretted later, because we didn't have time to back to hotel and I can't take photos during the tour with my own camera ;__; That's why I only could relied on Emma's camera, my phone camera and action cam later.
Sekitar 70 menit kemudian, kami tiba dengan selamat di ANA Hotel Sapporo. Kami segera check-in, taruh barang bawaan dan berangkat ke Stasiun JR Sapporo karena udah ada janji dengan staff dari HIS Hokkaido untuk serah terima tiket tur sore itu. Aku tinggal kameraku di kamar karena aku kira kami masih punya waktu untuk balik hotel lagi, dan mandi; dan kemudian aku nyesel, ngapain kameraku aku tinggal ;__; ternyata waktunya ngga nutut jadi ga bisa balik hotel. Jadinya hari itu aku cuma bisa bergantung sama kameranya Emma, kamera henpon dan action camera.
During my trip in Japan, I love this hotel most! Their location is freaking strategic to JR Sapporo Station and their breakfast menus were so yummy!
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my comfortable room |
Distance between ANA Hotel Sapporo and JR Sapporo Station is actually isn't that far; maybe around 7-10 minutes, but we had difficulties in finding the meeting point and we eventually took around 25 minutes to meet the HIS Hokkaido's staff. LOL >___<
Jarak antara Hotel ANA Sapporo dan Stasiun JR Sapporo sebenarnya ngga terlalu jauh; sekitar 7-10 menit, tapi kami agak kesulitan menemukan tempat janjian nya dan akhirnya kami ngabisin waktu sekitar 25 menit sendiri untuk mencari staff nya HIS Hokkaido >___<

Later on, HIS Hokkaido's staff (named Lia) purchased the tickets for us and we were going to have Mount Moiwa & Mount Okura Winter Night View Tour ^_^ We will depart in short time from JR Sapporo Station at 18.00 sharp.
Setelah itu, Staf HIS Hokkaido yang bernama Lia membantu kami untuk membeli tiket dan kami akan segera berangkat untuk menikmati Mount Moiwa & Mount Okura Winter Night View Tour ^_^ Bisnya akan berangkat jam 18.00 dari Stasiun JR Sapporo.
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Me & Lia from HIS, in front of bus counter |
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Tour list |
Ticket counter was opened 07.30 until 18.00, ticket counter hours may differ depending on the course operated on that day
Tickets were in our hands and we're ready to depart! ^__^
Because we also had another tour tomorrow morning, we have reserved our seats as well. So excited!
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Emma from shekakigatal.blogspot.com, thank you for the photos! ^_^ |
Ehmmm btw ada yang konyol sih, ceritanya sebelum berangkat (kami masih punya waktu 30 menit nganggur) kami sempet-sempetin ke BIC CAMERA yang ada di dalam JR Sapporo St., tapi karena aku dan Emma sempat misah, aku nyasar dan hampir aja ketinggalan bis -___-" BIC CAMERA di sini ada beberapa lantai dan ada beberapa pintu masuk keluar, jadi bingung kan. Pas mau tanya ke staf stasiun, aku lupa kosakatanya "west gate" itu apa, untung aja aku sempet print itinerary tour ke Moiwa ini jadi aku bisa tunjukin ke staf stasiun dan mereka bantu nunjukin aku jalan ke tempat keberangkatan bis. x__x nyaris banget.
- Descriptions: This course allows you to enjoy delicious lamb BBQ at the Mt. Okura Jump Stadium, and the beautiful night landscape of Sapporo, which was selected as one of the Three Most Beautiful Nightscapes of Japan, from the summit of Mt. Moiwa.
- Duration: 3 hours 45 minutes
- Distance: 19 km
- Departure: Sapporo Station Bus Terminal at 18:00
- Arrival: Sapporo Station Bus Terminal at 21:45
Di dalam tur ini, peserta bisa menikmati keindahan night landscape dari Sapporo di puncak Gunung Moiwa dan menikmati BBQ daging domba di Stadium ski lompat di Gunung Okura :) Perjalanan akan ditempuh dalam durasi 3 jam 45 menit, perjalanan sepanjang 19 kilometer dan berangkat jam 18.00 dan pulang jam 21.45.
This was our calm tour guide, I didn't remember her name but her explanation was really comprehensive and nearly flawless. She talked much since we depart till we arrived. Unfortunately I only understand 20% of her explanation because she spoke in Japanese ._. And my Japanese skill was quite limited. Luckily Emma (who was graduated from Japanese language literature) was beside me so I could bugged her with questions anytime :P
I admit that the weakness of this tour was the absence of English language tour option, and the Japanese tour guide's English was really limited so it must be a difficult for foreigner who doesn't understand Japanese at all. Hopefully in the future they can recruit tour guides that speak English. Anyway, fortunately this tour guide at least brought some signages in English (to tell the passengers the gathering time and such), so it's quite safe ^_^
Ini adalah tour guide kami, aku ngga ingat namanya tapi penjelasannya sangat lengkap dan hampir sempurna. Ia banyak berbicara sejak kami berangkat sampai tiba di tempat tujuan. Sayangnya aku hanya paham 20% dari penjelasannya karena dia hanya bicara dalam Bahasa Jepang ._. dan kemampuan Bahasa Jepangku masih terbatas. Untungnya ada Emma yang diem-diem ternyata lulusan Sastra Jepang, jadi aku terus-terusan tanya dia tentang ini itu :P
Aku mengakui kekurangan dari tur ini adalah ketiadaan Bahasa Inggris sebagai pilihan bahasa dalam tur, dan tour guide nya sendiri dikit banget bisa Bahasa Inggrisnya, jadi aku rasa turis yang bener-bener ngga bisa Bahasa Jepang bakal kesulitan memahami penjelasan mereka. Harapanku sih di masa depan mereka juga bisa merekrut tour guide yang bisa Bahasa Inggris jadi. Btw, syukurlah setidaknya tour guide ku ini masih bawa bawa papan tulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris (untuk memberi tahu jam berkumpul), jadi masih cukup aman lah ^_^
★ Mt. Moiwa Ropeway (藻岩山ロープウェイ) ★
The Mt. Moiwa Ropeway is Japanese aerial lift line in Sapporo, Hokkaidō. This is the only line Sapporo Development operates, while the company also operates a ski jumping course and an amusement park. Opened in 1958, the line climbs Mount Moiwa. (source: Wikipedia)
Location: 5 Chome-3-7 Fushimi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture 064-0942, Japan
30 minutes later, we arrived at Mount Moiwa Ropeway and we're going to the summit of Mt. Moiwa to enjoy the Sapporo night scenery :D After we rode Mt. Moiwa Ropeway, we transferred to Moris Cable Car to go to the summit. Thankfully the weather at that moment was fine, so ropeway operated well ^_^ PS: There will be a condition ropeway may be cancelled due to strong wind and ropeway fee will be refunded in cash at the time.
30 menit kemudian, kami tiba di Ropeway Gunung Moiwa, dan kami akan naik ke puncak gunung Moiwa untuk menikmati pemandangan malam Sapporo :D Setelah naik Ropeway Gunung Moiwa, kami naik Moris Cable Car untuk mencapai puncak gunung. Syukurlah cuaca hari itu lagi oke, jadi ropeway nya beroperasi sesuai harapan ^_^ Soalnya kalo pas lagi ada angin kencang, ropeway nya bisa tutup beroperasi dan uangnya dikembalikan pada saat itu juga.
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This photo was created because the cable car was shaking, elevated quickly, in low light XD |
Scenery from the top of Mount Moiwa.. That was so pretty~ ♥♥
FYI, the nightscape of Sapporo was chosen as one of the Three Most Beautiful Nightscapes in Japan, by a group of 4500 people who were certified to judge various nightscapes in the Nightscape Summit sponsored by the Nightscape Tourism Convention Bureau. Visitors can enjoy the 360°panoramic view at the reopened observatory :)
If I'm not mistaken, the temperature at the moment was around -2° C until 2° C. It was freaking cold outside (the observatory) and I couldn't really stand for cold weather; remember that I've been raised in tropical country for entire of my life? brrr...
So after we looked at this scenery, captured for few photos; we immediately back to inside the building ^_^;;
Pemandangan dari atas Gunung Moiwa... Cantik banget ya? ♥♥
Btw, pemandangan malam Sapporo terpilih sebagai satu dari tiga pemandangan malam terindah di Jepang lho. Di observarium ini pengunjung bisa menikmati pemandangan panorama 360° :)
Kalo ngga salah suhu pada saat itu antara -2° C sampai 2° C dan bener-bener duinginnnn bangettt bagiku. Aku ngga bisa tahan dingin soalnya, maklum makhluk tropis. Brr... Jadi setelah kami melihat pemandangannya sejenak, kami foto-foto dan langsung mencari kehangatan ke dalam gedung ^_^;;
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on our way back to downhill |
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With Mt. Moiwa's mascots: Ms & Mr. Morisu~ |
★ Mount Okura Ski Jump Stadium (大倉山ジャンプ競技場) ★
The Ōkurayama Ski Jump Stadium, also known as the Ōkurayama-Schanze is a ski jumping venue located in the Miyanomori area in Chūō-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japan. Owned mostly by Sapporo City, the ski jump is on the eastern slope of the Mt. Okura. This stadium was opened since 1931, has hosted a number of winter sports events including 1972 Winter Olympics and FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2007. The area of stadium consists of the Winter Sports Museum, the Ōkurayama Crystal House, and the Mt. Okura Observation Platform, as well as the ski jump.
The stadium has area of 8.2 ha which houses 50,000 people at a maximum during a competition, and the ski jump is categorized as the large hill jump. The total height of the jump hill from the top starting point to the bottom of the slope is 133 metres, also the distance to the K-spot (critical point) is 120 metres.
(source: wikipedia)
Location: 1274 Miyanomori, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture 064-0958, Japan
After visited Mt. Moiwa, we moved to Mt. Okura and took a look at this Ski Jump Stadium. We've tried to take pictures with that ski jump arena but failed because the poor low light T_T we gave up and rode this high escalator for dinner! :9
Setelah mengunjungi Gunung Moiwa, kami berpindah ke Gunung Okura dan melihat Stadium Lompat Ski ini. Udah coba ambil foto dengan berlatar belakang arena lompat ski tersebut tapi gagal semua karena pencahayannya mini T_T akhirnya nyerah dan langsung naik eskalator panjang ini untuk makan malam :9
We were going to have all-you-can-eat fresh lamb Genghis Khan and vegetables barbecue! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Trust me, your trip to Hokkaido won't be complete if you haven't tried this Hokkaido signature dish!
Saat ini kami mau makan buffet all-you-can-eat daging domba yang terkenal di Hokkaido itu lho; nama bekennya Genghis Khan BBQ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Percaya deh, perjalanan kalian ke Hokkaido ngga akan lengkap tanpa makan makanan khas dari Hokkaido ini :D
Trust me, your trip to Hokkaido won't be complete if you haven't tried this Hokkaido signature dish!
Saat ini kami mau makan buffet all-you-can-eat daging domba yang terkenal di Hokkaido itu lho; nama bekennya Genghis Khan BBQ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Percaya deh, perjalanan kalian ke Hokkaido ngga akan lengkap tanpa makan makanan khas dari Hokkaido ini :D
Basically, we may eat lamb meat & vegetables barbecue as much as we are able to :D
Me & Emma got one personal table and stove, and we're quite struggling to cook the Genghis Khan and vegetables properly. The customers next to us burnt eventually the whole pan, but we didn't :p hehe. Emma told me that the restaurant staff advised us to not waste the meat and only order meat as much as our stomach capacity.
Jadiii karena judulnya all-you-can-eat, kami bebas makan BBQ daging domba & sayuran sebanyak-banyaknya yang kami mau dan mampu :D Aku & Emma dapat meja dan kompor sendiri dan lumayan berusaha untuk memasak Genghis Khan secara baik dan benar. wajannya meja sebelah sampe gosong semua tapi punya kami ngga :p hehe. Emma bilang ke aku kalo kita dihimbau untuk tidak membuang-buang dagingnya dan hanya memesan sebanyak daging yang kita mampu untuk habiskan.
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mirror-wefie! |
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During this tour, we got 70 minutes of dinner time; to enjoy our all-you-can-eat meals well. They served small rice, drink (low malt beer / soft drink / tea or water) and dessert ^___^ Any additional drinks or dishes should be paid individually and if you're alone, you probably will be seated with other customer (in same tour).
How was it? The lamb meat was so tender, fresh and delicious~~ ♥♥♥♥♥ とてもおいしいだよ!
Again, I remind you to cut the meat first before grilling, so you won't be choked with long meat like me >_< We're fully satisfied with the Genghis Khan all-you-can-eat meal! ♥
Emma even said that the taste of Genghis Khan and low malt beer blended perfectly and I'm sure she will order Genghis Khan with beer again if she visit Hokkaido next time :p
Selama tur ini, kami dapat waktu makan selama 70 menit dan menikmati makanan kami sampai puas. Kami dapat 1 porsi nasi, minum (boleh pilih bir rendah alkohol / minuman soda / teh atau air putih) dan hidangan penutup ^__^ Boleh pilih makanan atau minum tambahan tapi bayar sendiri hehe. Dan kalo kalian ikut tur ini sendirian, ada kemungkinan kalian harus share 1 meja dengan customer lain yang juga satu tur ini.
Jadi, gimana rasanya? Daging dombanya lembut, segar dan enakkknya nagih ~~ ♥♥♥♥♥ とてもおいしいだよ!
Sekali lagi aku ingatkan untuk motong-motong dagingnya dulu dengan menggunakan gunting sebelum dibakar ya, karena dagingnya itu panjang-panjang dan rawan bikin tersedak kalo ngga digunting dulu >_<
Kami puas banget sama hidangan Genghis Khan ini! ♥
Emma juga bilang kalo Genghis Khan dan bir ini cocok banget dipadukan dan aku yakin kalo kapan-kapan dia ke Hokkaido lagi, dia bakal pesen Genghis Khan dan Bir lagi deh :p
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Pudding for the dessert, complimented the dinner time nicely :3 |
We're so full and it's time to back to our hotel ^_^ Couldn't wait to sleep in our comfortable bed as we were so tired and couldn't get enough sleep since arrived in Japan. Hehe. I will continue this Sapporo Trip very soon :D
Please wait for the Part 3~
Setelah kenyang, ini saatnya balik ke hotel ^_^ Ngga sabar pengen cepet-cepet tidur di kasur hotel, soalnya kami dah capek banget dan agak kurang tidur sejak tiba di Jepang. Hehe. Aku bakal ngelanjutin cerita tentang Sapporo segera :D Ditunggu aja ya Part 3 nya~
If you're interested to join the tour, you may contact HIS Travel
and expect a great domestic trip in Japan through HAnavi program!
HIS TRAVEL: http://his-travel.co.id/
HAnavi Program: http://his-travel.co.id/japan-tour-hanavi
Thanks for reading everyone ♥
Have a good long weekend! じゃあね!
Other Sources:
Hai, aku belum pernah sampai Sapporo, tapi membaca tulisan ini, aku jadi kagum karena ternyata Hokkaido juga cukup menarik untuk dikunjungi.
ReplyDeleteVery amazing to find out that somewhere on this earth, ada orang yang mau bela-belain bikin properti yang penuh dengan barang-barang bertema Doraemon. Di dalam bandara pula :D
kalau ada ksmptn, mampirlah ke hokkaido ^^ it was a pleasant experience for me!
Deleteiya seru yaa :D sayang aku ga bs mampir smpe ke dalem museumnya T_T
Vee, aku mau nanya, kalau dari Jakarta-Tokyo dan Tokyo-Hokkaido, kalian cuma berdua aja sama emma atau ada pihak HIS yang dampingin? Seberapa besar keterlibatan HIS selama kalian di Jepang?
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
haloo.. HIS membantu segala proses persiapan flight & hotel. Di sapporo ada 2x tour itu jg dari HIS (tour yg di post ini dan post berikutnya, yg akan aku publish bln dpn), sisanya kami berpetualang sendiri :D seru kok hehe
DeleteBeruntung banget ya kalau dapet temen yang cocok apalagi kaya emma yang dari sastra Jepang, pastinya membantu banget. Hehe...
DeleteAku juga lagi ikutan HIS SUMMER nih. Doain biar bisa ke Jepang juga ya :D
iyaa :D untung langsung nyambung hehe..
Deletegood luck ya!
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