
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Bifesta Cleansing Lotion - Agecare [review]

Hello everyone! A while ago finally I could bought Bifesta Cleansing Lotion with help of my kind-hearted blogger friend Tia ^__^ As far as I know, Bifesta is still unavailable in Surabaya and I even couldn't find it in Watson Grand Indonesia (when I was in Jakarta 2 months ago). Gladly Tia helped me to buy this product near her house and kindly shipped this one for me =D Thank you Tia! 

So I brought to you my whole review about this cleansing lotion ;) or you may know this product as Bifesta Cleansing Express / Cleansing Water / Micellar Water.

Bifesta Cleansing Lotion comes in transparent bottle with hygienic pump dispenser. Different color for different benefit. So far Bifesta owns 4 variants of Cleansing Lotion: White (Moist), Green (Sebum), Blue (Bright Up), and Pink (Age care) and if I'm not mistaken there are only two variants of Bifesta Cleansing Lotion in Indonesia: Sebum and Age Care.

Untuk kemasannya, Bifesta Cleansing Lotion dikemas dalam botol transparan dan pompa yang higienis. Ada 4 jenis warna dengan fungsi yang berbeda-beda: Putih (melembabkan), Hijau (untuk kulit berminyak), Biru (untuk mencerahkan) dan Merah muda (untuk perawatan anti-aging), dan kalau tidak salah di Indonesia cuma ada yang hijau dan pink aja.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

F&B: Lareia Cake & Co. [review]

Hello everyone! I apologize for being inactive these 2 weeks >__< I had a lot of things to take care of and I had no time to blog. I still have more products to be reviewed; but for December's starter, I'm gonna share another F&B review! I've always wanted to blog about Lareia Cake & Co. and finally I managed to write the review! I came to this cafe 2 months ago with my sister and sorry for the photos' quality, I didn't bring my camera at that moment T_T So I only could used my phone's camera, hopefully you don't mind!

Actually I've ever tried their Mille Crepes before they establish their permanent cafe; 2 years ago (if I'm not mistaken), and this was my first time visiting their permanent cafe LOL. I wondered why I couldn't ever find Lareia cafe in my previous visits to Ciputra World, eh I didn't notice if their cafe is located behind restaurants on 3rd floor ._.

Lareia Cake & Co, Lareia Ciputra World, Lareia Cake Surabaya, Lareia Surabaya, Lareia Review, Lareia Mille Crepes, Mille Crepes Surabaya Review

Quite different with their previous temporary cafe, their permanent cafe comes in rectangular shape against to outdoor windows. If you do remember, their temporary cafe was in square shape and placed on center of floor. Captured the cafe from this angle definitely will cause backlight effect XD

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cowstyle Milky Body Soap [review]

Hello everyone! I'm back again with another review from Cowstyle product! For those of you who doesn't know, Cowstyle is a skin care and body care brand from Japan :) I've tried their Skinlife facial foam before, and I loved it! Now on to their body soap :) I was offered to choose one of three variants and I chosen this one! As always thank you Kawaii Beauty Japan for the opportunity to try this product.

Cowstyle Milky Body Soap, Cowstyle Milky Body Soap Review, Cowstyle Milky Body Soap Nihonmart, Cowstyle Milky Body Soap Sukamart

Make your body feels clean, fresh and relaxed with 4 types of fresh fragrances, such as mild soap, relax floral, refresh citrus, and happy fruity fragrance Plenty creamy foam maintains your skin's natural moisture, keeps it smooth and soft Contains three kinds of milk to make moist skin.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

F&B: Baik Su Korean Restaurant Surabaya [review]

Hello everyone! I'm here with another F&B post! First of all, I apologize for the quality of photos that I provide on this post, I didn't bring my camera at that moment and I only could relied on my phone camera x_x Please bear with my phone camera's noisiness, but I assure you that this post is worth to read if you are a Korean cuisine lover like me ;)

Last month I tried a Korean Restaurant named Baik Su, located on Darmo Park area; West Surabaya. Feeling not familiar with that name? Please let me know, so I would know that I wasn't alone :P This restaurant isn't new in Surabaya, but I never visited it before! Actually I never heard about this restaurant and the place is too far from my boarding house XD

Actually me & my family wanted to visit another Korean restaurant near there, but we end up had dinner there because restaurant that we looked for was already closed at that hour (around 9 PM, and we were so starving!)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Event Report: Clinique "We're Stronger Together"

Hello everyoneeee.. A while ago I was invited to Clinique event that held on 1 November 2015 with help from Sabrina, thank you Sab! :) Sorry for taking this long to post this report, finally I managed to finish this report~

So yeah, this event is all about Breast Cancer Awareness campaign, and we're told to wear PINK! As you guys know, October is actually not always related with Halloween, but it also famous with Breast Cancer Awareness Month too! Oh anyway, I don't have pink dress, so I wore anything pink as my outfit that day XDD

The real event was supposed to be started at 1 PM, but when I came there around 1.30 (I didn't mean to come late, I just finished my activities in church that hour >_<) , they still performed children singing as opening stages.

As I arrived, they gave me a pen to leave a signature on this board, and I had to take a picture with this board at least once. LOL.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

V10 Plus Serum - Licorice, Amino, Pycnogenol & Vit. A [review]

Hello everyone! Couple of weeks ago, I got an opportunity to try more serums from V10 Plus; and I have been using these serums regularly for more than a month :) I think around 5 weeks. Here I present to you my personal review and honest opinion about these V10 Plus Serums!

Halo semua! Beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku dapat kesempatan untuk mencoba beberapa serum dari V10 Plus :D Dan aku sudah memakai serum-serum ini secara rutin selama lebih dari 1 bulan (kurasa 5 minggu lebih). Kini aku mau membagikan pendapat ku secara pribadi yang jujur tentang serum-serum V10 Plus ini :)

V10 Plus review, V10 Plus Serum Review, V10 Plus Serum Licorice Review, V10 Plus Serum Vitamin A Review, V10 Plus Serum Amino Review, V10 Plus Serum Pycnogenol Review
Left to right: Licorice, Vitamin A, Amino, Pycnogenol
I had a little consultation with V10 Plus' representative beforehand; and based on the consultation I was offered to try these 4 different serums for my skin current condition.. Wow, 4 different serums? At first I also couldn't imagine how I could apply 4 different serums on same face? Well, I particularly applying each of these serums on different spots on my face, I'll show you my face map and the results below~

Sebelumnya, aku sempat melakukan sedikit konsultasi dengan representatif dari V10 Plus dan berdasarkan konsultasi aku ditawari untuk mencoba 4 macam serum dari mereka.. Wow, 4 serum sekaligus? Pertamanya juga aku ngga bisa bayangin gimana bisa mengaplikasikan 4 serum berbeda ke muda, tapi nanti aku akan jelaskan lebih detil di bawah ini ^.^

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pengalaman Mengurus Perpanjangan Passport Secara Online

[Recently I just renewal my passport and I'm glad to share this information to my blog readers, because this important thing is definitely related with travelling ^_^ If you're one of my international readers and want to read this post, kindly use google translate. Thank you]

Hai semua! Beberapa saat yang lalu aku baru saja memperpanjang Passport ku yang hampir habis masa berlakunya (masa berlaku akan habis 6 bulan lagi), dan karena menurutku informasi ini akan berguna; maka aku memutuskan untuk membagikan pengalamanku mengurus Paspor di blog ini ^_^ Aku sengaja mendokumentasikan setiap step / cara-cara dalam pengurusan Passport via online ini. Semoga dapat berguna ya :D

pengalaman mengurus perpanjangan paspor, paspor online, membuat paspor online, imigrasi online, mengurus paspor di surabaya, perpanjangan passport di surabaya

Sedikit info saja, aku adalah perantau yang mengurus Passport di Surabaya. Jadi kalau kalian tanya apakah mengurus Passport harus di kampung halaman / kota asal? Jawabannya TIDAK.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Face Shop Oil Control Water Cushion [review]

Hello everyone! How's your day? I hope yours are great! :)
As a girl with normal-combination skin type, I sometimes wondering if there's cushion product that will works on oily skin (FYI, my t-zone is quite oily). Gladly, a while ago I got a chance to try THEFACESHOP Oil Control Water Cushion from Kawaii Beauty Japan. Thanks KBJ! ^_^

Halo semua! Bagaimana kabarnya? Semoga masih tetap luar biasa ya :)
Sebagai cewe dengan kulit tipe normal-kombinasi, kadang-kadang aku bertanya-tanya apakah ada produk cushion yang oke buat kulit oly (secara t-zone ku lumayan minyakan gitu). Untungnya beberapa saat yang lalu aku dapat kesempatan untuk cobain The Face Shop Oil Control Water Cushion dari Kawaii Beauty Japan. Makasih KBJ! ^_^

I tried it for around 2 weeks and I'm ready to share my honest opinion about this cushion!

The Face Shop Oil Control Water Cushion review, face shop review, face shop cushion review, face shop foundation review

The Face Shop Oil Control Water Cushion comes in cute design and pastel blue patterns. Meanwhile, the cushion case itself is dominated with white color. I think the packaging is quite elegant and looks great in makeup pouch or vanity table.

Kemasan // Dilihat dari kemasan, boxnya itu didesain imut dengan warna biru pastel. Sementara itu case dari cushionnya sendiri didominasi dengan warna putih; dimana menruutku packagingnya lumayan elegan dan keliatan bagus kalo dimasukin dalam tas makeup ato meja rias :P

Saturday, October 24, 2015

DeMandailing Jemursari [review]

Hello everyone~ Before continuing to other beauty review, let's take a look at this cafe named DeMandailing ^.^
This was my first time visiting DeMandailing and I visited their 3rd branch on Jemursari Street, Surabaya. I came to this place last month when I celebrated my BF's birthday with my squad :D

I came to this cafe at night, so their outside appearance might not look very appealing  (I will show you later).
Let's jump into the review :D

demandailing cafe review, demandailing jemursari review, demandailing surabaya

They place fridge display, kitchen for beverages and cashier at the center of this room. When I was there, there were some customers that busy to place their orders :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cara Cek Nomor Registrasi BPOM pada Produk Kosmetik

Hai semua! Sesuai janjiku di post sebelumnya yang mengupas tentang Bahaya Kosmetik Palsu & Krim Pemutih, aku akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang BPOM. Karena Nomor Registrasi BPOM masih erat hubungannya dengan produk kecantikan, maka hari ini aku akan coba menulis bagaimana cara mengecek nomor registrasi yang tertera pada produk kosmetik / perawatan kulit yang kita miliki :D Cara ini sama bisa diaplikasikannya ke produk makanan dan obat, tapi karena topik blog ini adalah tentang KECANTIKAN, jadi pastinya aku menggunakan produk kosmetik sebagai contoh hehe.

Sebenarnya aku percaya sebagian besar dari kalian sudah mengenal yang namanya BPOM, singkatan dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan; tapi ngga ada salahnya aku menjelaskan lagi kan :D

BPOM ini adalah Badan yang mengawasi dan memberi izin untuk peredaran obat dan makanan. Untuk produk kecantikan, dimasukkan ke dalam kategori obat dan diawasi oleh BPOM. Karena itulah semua produk kecantikan / kosmetik yang beredar secara resmi di Indonesia harus memiliki izin edar dalam bentuk NOMOR RESGISTRASI Produk, atau yang biasa kita sebut sebagai No. BPOM.

Sesuai Pasal 3 Peraturan Kepala Badan POM No. 14 Tahun 2014, Unit Pelaksana Teknis di lingkungan Badan POM mempunyai fungsi :
  1. Penyusunan rencana dan program pengawasan obat dan makanan.
  2. Pelaksanaan pemeriksaan secara laboratorium, pengujian dan penilaian mutu produk terapetik, narkotika, psikotropika zat adiktif, obat tradisional, kosmetik, produk komplemen, pangan dan bahan berbahaya.
Kalau mau baca lebih lanjut tentang fungsi dan kewenangan BPOM, bisa dibaca di sini :)

Nah kalau mau cek no. registrasi BPOM bagaimana dong?

Monday, October 19, 2015


[Article is written in Bahasa Indonesia. if you are an International Reader and interested to read this article, please kindly click the translate bar on this blog's sidebar. Thank you :)]

Hai semua! Akhrinya selesai juga nulis blog post ini, setelah sempat ngendon di draft selama berminggu-minggu :P Asal mulanya artikel ini lahir adalah karena aku menyadari ternyata masih BANYAK dari masyarakat Indonesia yang awam dan belum menyadari bahaya yang mengintai dibalik produk kosmetik palsu & krim pemutih wajah. Mungkin karena harganya termasuk murah dan adanya kebutuhan dan tergoda oleh bujukan orang-orang sekitar, akhirnya masih banyak wanita yang jatuh dalam bujuk rayu dan akal-akalan penjual krim abal-abal.

Dalam artikel ini, aku akan menjelaskan selengkap-lengkapnya tentang segala macam hal yang berhubungan dengan KOSMETIK PALSU dan PRODUK KRIM PEMUTIH BERBAHAYA. Semoga apa yang aku tulis ini dalam memberikan pencerahan ya :)

Baca juga: Cari produk yang aman untuk mencerahkan kulit? Skin care ini wajib dicoba lho

Apa bedanya kosmetik Fake / KW / Replika?

Tidak ada bedanya. Sama-sama PALSU. Kosmetik KW hanyalah istilah seller untuk menipu pembeli dengan berkata bahwa kualitas produk kosmetik yang mereka jual bukan palsu tapi kualitasnya sedikit lebih rendah dibanding produk originalnya. Padahal, tetap saja komposisi di dalam kosmetiknya sama-sama tidak jelas. Bayangkan kalian mengaplikasikan makeup dengan bahan-bahan berbahaya ke muka kalian... :[

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Hello everyone! A while ago, I got a chance to try another skin care product from Thailand, named MORES.
Actually I am eyeing on their eye cream product, but since I was given this MORES WHITE BOOSTER, I will review it for sure :) Thank you Mores!

Mores thailand, Mores White Booster review, Mores skin care

Mores White Booster are infused with natures most powerful blend of pure plant stem cell extracts, natural botanicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and anti aging peptides. REJUVENATE THE SKIN by increasing the quality and quantity of collagen and elastin; dramatically improve skin tone and overall complexion, reduce acnes and spot; remove sun damage , revealing softer, smoother and younger skin.

Animal-cruelty free!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Kulit Sehat dan Indah dari Redwin Sorbolene [review]

Hello everyone! How often you apply body lotion? To be honest I'm not a person who always apply body lotion daily, because I don't like the sticky feeling afterwards (most of body lotions give sticky feeling) :s But because I do care with my skin's health, today's topic on the blog is all about: How to achieve beautiful and healthy skin with Redwin Sorbolene.

Halo semua :D Seberapa sering kalian mengaplikasikan body lotion? Jujur aku bukan tipe orang yang selalu rutin mengaplikasikan body lotion, karena aku kurang suka dengan body lotion yang bisa mengakibatkan efek lengket-lengket setelah pemakaian :s Tapi karena aku peduli dengan kesehatan kulitku, topik hari ini yang mau kubahas di dalam blog adalah: Bagaimana cara mendapatkan kulit indah dan sehat dan indah dari Redwin Sorbolene.

Kulit Sehat dan Indah dari Redwin Sorbolene, Redwin Sorbolene Review, Redwin body lotion, Redwin Sorbolene Moisturizer

For those of you who doesn't familiar with Redwin, I guess it's the right time to know more about this brand :) Redwin is an Australian brand offering a complete range of beauty solutions for your skin and hair. All their products are specifically designed to nourish, moisturize, cleanse, refresh and revive your skin and hair, helping to maintain body’s natural health and vitality.

Their products are very safe for sensitive and dry skin, as their products don't contain anything that might harm your skin and body. Redwin moisturiser is number 1 selling moisturizer in Australia, and Redwin has tagline "Rejuvenate your skin with Redwin – nothing but goodness!"

Bagi yang belum tau tentang brand Redwin, yuk mari kenalan :) Redwin ini adalah brand dari Australia yang menawarkan solusi komplit bagi kulit dan rambut. Semua produk mereka secara spesifik didesain untuk memelihara, melembabkan, membersihkan, menyegarkan dan menghidupkan kembali kulit dan rambut, membantu untuk menjaga kseheatan dan vitalitas kulit tubuh.

Produk mereka sangat amat untuk kulit sensitif juga kulit kering, karena produk mereka tidak mengandung bahan-bahan yang dapat membahayakan kulit dan tubuh. Pelembab dari Redwin ini adalah nomor 1 penjualan terbaik di Australia, dengan slogan mereka "Rejuvenate your skin with Redwin - nothing but goodness!" atau bisa diterjemahkan menjadi "Remajakan kulitmu dengan Redwin - hanya yang terbaik untukmu!" (terjemahan by me :p)

Monday, October 5, 2015

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX [review]

Hello everyone! I know it's date 5 already and I haven't write single post, OMG. It's not because I'm lazy, but my right arm feels so sore (till now I'm typing this blog post) since weeks ago. It makes me hard to edit pictures and write more posts :( why only right arm? Probably because I use it more often, as I use mouse to "click" anything. Since I also often to use laptop for office work, that's why my right arm tends to feel painful T_T Right now, 

Ok, back to the main topic.. Today I'm gonna share a review about my current favorite sleeping pack from Laneige, it's called Water Sleeping Pack_EX. I got this product from this event, and I also reviewed other products of Laneige here. Just in case you've missed them ^_^

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX, Laneige Water Sleeping Pack review, Laneige sleeping pack review, review produk laneige, review produk sleeping pack laneige

Water Sleeping Pack_EX is an overnight mask pack with light gel-type texture that gives intensive hydration, vitality and brightening effect while restoring skin with deep relaxation through aroma scent.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Hello everyone! How's your week? I had one of the busiest weeks in 2015 ever! 
I'm glad everything just passed and I have more time to blog and film again ^.^ Anyway, if you've read my previous post, you should've known that I went to Jakarta for BBA Workshop and it was a great experience!

So, I back to Surabaya the next day and I got another challenge to do.. To be honest this video is so challenging for me, because of the deadline and other personal reasons :P However, hopefully you can enjoy this video as much as I filmed it!

sorry for my weird expressions LOL

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I made it! Beauty Bound Asia Semi Final Workshop in Jakarta

Hello everyone~~ if you have been following me on Instagram (@shelvihan), I think you should've known that I went to Jakarta last week, in order to attend Beauty Bound Asia Semi Final Workshop that held on Level II Foundry 8, SCBD. When I submitted my first video entry to Beauty Bound Asia, I didn't expect anything but later on my name was announced as one of their semifinalists! Due to hectic schedule, I was so restless at that moment, as I was torn between fly to Jakarta or not. But finally I decided to go Jakarta at the end ^.^

(left to right: Yessica, Tia, Gita, Me, Jean, Cynthian, Katherine, Devita, Cynthian's elder sister)
The decision to join the workshop was not so easy to made, I almost gave up but my mind said "Now or Never! Probably there's no next time. At least you have to try it, or you might regret it." 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Travel Story: Papuma Beach (Tanjung Papuma) - Jember, Indonesia

Halo semuaa~ kayaknya aku belum pernah ngeblog tentang objek pariwisata yang ada di Indonesia ya? Kebetulan bulan Juli tahun ini aku mengunjungi salah satu pantai yang cukup terkenal sebagai lokasi pre-wedding di Jawa Timur Indonesia :D Namanya adalah Tanjung Papuma, yang secara spesifik berlokasi di Jember.

Hello everyone~ It seems I never blog about tourism place in Indonesia beforehand, and I think this is a right moment to introduce about tourism place in Indonesia to my International readers :D This beach is called Papuma Beach (a.k.a Tanjung Papuma) specifically located in Jember, on East Java (Jawa Timur) province - Indonesia.

Jalan menuju Tanjung Papuma. Jalannya sih ngga susah untuk dilalui, dan sangat mudah diakses oleh mobil. Kami ngga menemukan masalah untuk menemukan rute menuju Tanjung Papuma, gunakan GPS dengan baik aja hehe. Tapi jalanannya lumayan berdebu karena masih banyak tanahnya. Jadi kalau kalian memutuskan untuk pergi ke Tanjung Papuma dengan mengendarai motor, harus siap-siap masker dan helm teropong :)

This is the road to Papuma Beach. The path is relatively accessibly by cars and we had no trouble in finding the right navigation to there. Just use GPS correctly and you'll find the way ^.^ Hmm FYI, since the path is so dusty, you should use mouth mask!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner [review]

Hello everyone~ I was going to Jakarta this weekend and I'm soooo excited!! I will update about event that I will be attending soon ^.^ But I guess some of you already knew what I mean. Hehe. Anyway, back to topic~
Few months ago I run out of liquid eyeliner and I had no choice but buy it at nearest mini market, and I stumbled upon a slim liquid liner that placed on the makeup rack. I looked for its review, and I ended up buying it because I read my good reviews about this liquid liner...

So, shall we take a look about this liquid liner?
I present you Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner review :)

Maybelline Hyper Glossy liquid liner review, maybelline liquid liner review, maybelline eyeliner review

This eyeliner comes with slim and pointy packaging, and dominated with black color. IMHO, nothing special about its packaging, and not so eye-catching. BUT, its bottle is so convenient to be inserted everywhere because its small size. Besides, this eyeliner also has long and steady applicator that makes application become easier ;)

Monday, September 14, 2015

NoTS 28 Remedy Aqua Brightening Peeling Gel [review]

Hello everyone! 안녕하세요! How's your day?
I'd like to share my current favorite peeling product that I got recently. I believe this is a right moment to introduce you a Korean cosmetic brand that might still sound unfamiliar in Indonesia :) Yes, the brand named NoTS. NoTS stands for Noble through Skin. As introduction, NoTS is a high-end cruelty-free brand that is quite popular in Korea; as their fame is started to grow outside Korea. For those of you who has concern with cosmetic products that involved animal abuse, you have to know more about this brand ^.^ Let me repeat, this brand is cruelty-free!

Product that I want to review today is NoTS 28 Remedy Aqua Brightening Peeling Gel
낫츠 28 레미디 아쿠아 브라이트닝 필링 젤

NoTS, NoTS skin care, NoTS Korean Skin care, NoTS Peeling Gel, NoTS 28 Remedy Aqua Brightening Peeling Gel, NoTS peeling gel review, 낫츠

This product is packed in tube packaging, along with flip-top lid. Dominated with light teal color for the tube, and silver color for the box. IMHO its packaging is quite nice, if only the descriptions on the box is more readable XD

Friday, September 11, 2015

F&B: First Love Patisserie Surabaya [review]

I know this patisserie is definitely not a new place in Surabaya; but believe or not, this was my first time visiting this patisserie :p Me and my BF isn't a couple who like to hang out on weekend, and we barely visit malls on Surabaya as well. We definitely only visit malls if there are something that we have something to do. Maybe that's why... trying brand new restaurant or cafe isn't something that become our priority (unless there's an "invitation" :p)

But last week when we happened to be in Ciputra World (to attend an exhibition), we managed to visit this First Love Patisserie that located on 3rd floor of Ciputra World ^_^

First Love Patisserie Review, First Love Surabaya, First Love Ciputra World, Best Mille Crepes in Surabaya, Mille Crepes terbaik di Surabaya, Review Mille Crepe enak

First Impression
This patisserie isn't too big, and they only provide 4 tables, 10 single sofas and a long couch. Despite this place is little bit cramped, this patisseries is definitely comfortable, warm and appealing. Every corner of this patisseries was decorated nicely :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

LANEIGE Water Bank Essence [review]

Hello everyone! Sorry for lack of update last week x_x I was in a short break to revive my blogging mood and I was kinda frustrated due to pile of work in office (I watched "Yong Pal" to refresh my mind a bit. It's a good Korean drama! I just finished the Eps 8 :p anyone watch it too?). Finally I'm coming back with another skin care review for you guys!

This is my first time trying a moisturizer from Laneige. For someone who has normal-combination skin, I always try my best to maintain my skin moisture as I often work near Air Conditioner for more than 8 hours a day. So that I'm afraid my skin somehow will lose its natural moisture. Few weeks ago finally I got a chance to try this Laneige Water Bank Essence :D Let's jump into the real review!

Laneige skin care review, Laneige Water Bank Review, Laneige Water Bank Essence Review

As a premium cosmetic brand, Laneige always presents elegant and premium-look products' packaging. As you can see, this Water Bank series have beautiful and elegant packaging ^.^ Especially for the Water Bank Essence; it comes with water pump system that really useful, hygienic and easy to control the amount of essence. The Water Bank Essence is packed in sturdy glass bottle with clear sea blue as the main color.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar [review]

안녕하세요 여러분! Hello everyone! 
I guess it's been a while since I reviewed about a lip Korean makeup product! :D
I know this product might not new, but it's still exciting to share since I never tried lip gloss product from Tony Moly. To be exact, it's not a lip gloss product with regular wet applicator, but in bar form! ;) Curious?


Tony Moly Lip Gloss, Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar Review, Tony Moly Lip Balm Lip Gloss Review

What can I say? As a lip gloss product, this gloss bar has cutest packaging ever! It's simple yet captivating ^^ Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar currently has 6 colors to pick, and I got the lightest color. Every color of this gloss bar is represented by its appearance, so you don't need to peek the bullet inside to guess the gloss bar's color.

Monday, August 17, 2015

3 Kebiasaan yang Nampaknya Sepele tapi Menghancurkan

Before today ends, I want to write something for Indonesia on my blog. Yes, today my country is celebrating Indonesian 70th Independence Day. Wow, we sound so old, don't we? But I believe there are many aspects that we have to improve. To achieve improvement of Indonesia, we can't only rely on government, we NEED to do our parts as well.

Dirgahayu 70 th Indonesiaku :)

Ehem, I know I might lack of knowledge about Indonesia (I learned about Indonesian history in school, but I forgot the complicated details many years later :p), and because I don't master about Indonesian history and government bureaucracy, I won't talk much about those aspects. Instead, I will "pour off" my minds about Indonesia in other aspects.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

K-LENSPOP: Cara Blue Contact Lens [review]

Hello everyone~ I'm back with another review about contact lens that I got from K-lenspop. I have been using this lens for a while and I think it's time for me to share my thoughts about this lens :) I know maybe this brand sounds quite familiar to you, but I have reviewed 2 pair of lenses from Klenspop before, so if you are one of my loyal readers, probably you've ever seen my previous review before ^.^

First of all, I'd like to apologize to Klenspop for the overdue review, this post is supposed to be up few weeks ago x_x Finally I managed to edit these photos and settle down some things. So hope you guys enjoys this review!


K-lenspop Cara Blue Review, Klenspop Contact Lens Review

Cara Series from Klenspop is also packed in vial (or bottle) packaging, with regular box from Klenspop. I also got free contact lens case and contact lens clamp :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Detox Facial Treatment at Oribel Beauty Care [review]

Hello everyone! Few months ago I was contacted by Oribel Beauty Care Salon to try their facial treatment, but due to some reasons finally I just could stepped my feet on their place like 3 weeks ago. It took a while for me to test if there's any post-treatment symptom, in order to compliment this post :) Also, not trying to look for an excuse, but my video editor acted strangely since this early August, and it forced me to use my previous video editor for a moment. Phew, hopefully my video editor's problem will get solved soon.

Back to the topic! Around mid July I visited this Salon for the first time :D Let me introduce you.. this is

Oribel, Oribel Beauty Care, Oribel Beauty Care Surabaya, Oribel service review
Oribel's appearance from outside
Oribel, Oribel Beauty Care, Oribel Beauty Care Surabaya, Oribel service review

As you can tell from the banner, Oribel covers most of ladies' needs in pampering way. Oribel offers hair service, skin care service, and nail service :) Oribel is located Ruko Raya Dharmahusada, Surabaya. From a far, this place might look cramped and small, but we always can't judge something by its cover, can we? 
Let's go inside! ^_^

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Acnes Sealing Jell [review]

Hello guys! This review is actually supposed to be up few months ago, but I tried to keep it in draft till I have settled  down my opinion about this product. For those of you who live in Indonesia, you must quite familiar with this brand, Acnes. Acnes is a brand that specializing in acne elimination. Acnes is a brand under Rohto Parmaceutical Japan, brand that released Hada Labo. I have tried this product for a while and I think this review is proper enough. Let me introduce you, ACNES SEALING JELL.

Halo semua, sebenarnya review ini seharusnya udah aku publish beberapa bulan lalu, tapi aku menyimpannya di draft selama beberapa saat sampai aku udah benar-benar mantap dengan opiniku. Bagi kalian yang tinggal di Indonesia, pasti cukup familiar dengan merek yang satu ini, yakni Acnes. Sekedar info saja, Acnes ini adalah brand yang dikeluarkan oleh Rohto Parmaceutical Japan (satu perusahaan dengan Hada Labo), dan spesial untuk mengatasi masalah jerawat. Aku sudah menggunakan produk ini selama beberapa waktu, dan kurasa udah saatnya aku mereview produk yang satu ini, ACNES SEALING JELL.

Acnes Sealing Jell Review, Mentholatum Acnes Sealing Jell, Review obat jerawat
Acnes Sealing Jell is packed in glue-tube like packaging. It's quite small, flat and travel friendly. It has secure cap that may prevent any spill-out. The packaging's color is dominated with white for the body and green for the cap.
Acnes Sealing Jell ini dikemas dalam tube yang mirip dengan tube lem kertas. Ukurannya mungil dan mudah dibawa-bawa. Tutupnya pun cukup erat dan ngga bikin takut kepencet kalau dimasukkan di dalam tas. Warna tubenya didominasi warna putih, dengan tutup hijau.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

5 Kebohongan yang Pernah Dilakukan oleh Penjual Online Shop

Hai semua! Bagaimana sih rasanya ketemu sama penjual online shop yang ngeselin? Bisa dalam posisi kita sebagai calon customer atau non-customer yang merasa dirugikan oleh perilaku penjual-penjual tersebut.
Tiba-tiba aja aku sponton pengen nulis post kayak gini dan artikel ini kutulis dalam 2 hari. Hal ini bermula dari keherananku terhadap perilaku-perilaku penjual online shop yang aneh-aneh sampai yang tidak beretika. Banyak dari teman-teman sesama bloggerku yang menjadi korban.

Tentu tidak semua online seller itu nakal; penjual yang jujur pun banyak (aku dulu juga adalah online shop seller, jadi aku lumayan mengerti suka dukanya berbisnis di bidang ini). Kalau kalian salah satu seller yang pernah melakukan hal di bawah ini, please don't do it again! I know, sometimes customers are also irritating, but you never can earn trust, respect and loyalty from us if you do one of these frauds. Berikut ini aku merangkum perilaku-perilaku beberapa penjual online shop yang pernah aku lihat dan amati; dan sering terjadi dalam transaksi dalam sosial media (terutama Instagram).

5 Kebohongan yang Pernah (atau Bahkan Sering) Dilakukan oleh Penjual Online Shop

1. Menggunakan foto BEFORE-AFTER penggunaan produk lain untuk dijadikan media promosi produk sendiri

Pernah merasakan menjadi blogger / social media influencer yang fotonya dicuri oleh non-sponsor dan dijadikan media promosi? Aku sendiri jarang mengalaminya, tapi banyak dari teman-temanku sesama blogger yang SERING banget jadi "korban" karena fotonya dicolong dan watermarknya ditimpa oleh nama online shop mereka.
Kalau produknya sama sih mungkin masih bisa dimaafkan ya, tapi bagaimana kalau produknya beda? Bagaimana rasanya kalau foto review before-after produk A diklaim sebagai foto before-after untuk produk X?

penipuan online, penipuan online shop seller, kebohongan penjual online shop, pembohongan publik oleh online shop
Lihat foto yang aku lingkari? Itu adalah hasil pemakaian produk Kiehl's Actively Correcting Beautifying BB Cream, dan BUKAN 88 Bounce Up Pact. Secara pribadi aku tidak kenal wajah-wajah lainnya, tapi foto manipulasi ini aku ambil dari Instagram: @cantikarea

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

NYX Doll Eye Waterproof Mascara [review]

Hello everyone! Today's topic is all about mascara! To be honest I don't use mascara often, because most of mascaras that I've ever used were flaking and annoyed my eyes when I have contact lens on. Life span of any mascara is relatively short, only 3-6 months, so it's been a while since I purchased my last mascara! #momentoftruth

I heard some of good reviews about this mascara from NYX and I decided to give a try! 
Here we come, NYX Doll Eye Waterproof Mascara :)

NYX Doll Eye Waterproof Mascara Review, NYX mascara review, NYX waterproof mascara review

If you're a fan of NYX products, you must be really familiar with this kind of packaging. Most of NYX products are designed in very simple plain packaging, and usually stick with black color :p They always try their best to be look professional and universal.

Price: I bought it for IDR 128,000 / 8gr 

Monday, August 3, 2015

MOIST Homemade Face Mask & Face Scrub [review]

Halo semua, beberapa waktu yang lalu aku mencoba produk homemade lagi dari MOIST ;)
Setelah cukup lama ngga mencoba produk homemade dengan bahan-bahan alami, aku tertarik pas ditawarin untuk cobain produk dari MOIST ini :D Kenapa? Karena ada face mask green tea nya hehe. Thank you untuk owner dari MOIST yang sudah mengirimiku produk ini :)

Yuk mari kita lihat lebih jauh, MOIST ini produknya seperti apa sih?

Produk yang dikirimkan kepadaku adalah MOIST Green Tea Latte Face Mask (bukan late; terlambat ya :p) dan MOIST Coffeelicious Face Scrub. MOIST sendiri punya beberapa macam varian produk, tapi dua varian ini yang paling aku minati untuk coba :)

Friday, July 31, 2015

F&B: Raja Duren Surabaya [review]

When everyone seem tried to start coffee shops business, there is new concept restaurant in Surabaya. Restaurant that exploit Durian as their main ingredient, named Raja Duren or King of Durian. You can find many foods and drinks here are complimented with Durian :)


Raja Duren, Raja Duren Surabaya, Raja Duren Review

Wait, how to eat Durian with rice? o_o
We'll find out soon! Keep reading :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Girl's Generation 소녀시대 Yuri PARTY Makeup Inspired Look Tutorial

Hello everyone! Since Summer is coming, many K-pop groups released new song with Summer theme. The good news is, Girl's Generation a.k.a SNSD 소녀시대 also have come back this season ^___^
I love their new song titled PARTY 파티. Their Music Video feels so energetic and so youthful :D I also love their concept MV, outfits, makeup, and hairstyles. Though I don't think some of them still look good with new hair color, like Sunny and Yoona (tbh they look prettier with brown or black hair color).

Oh anyway, for this comeback, I picked Kwon Yuri's makeup because I never recreated Yuri's makeup before ;)
(another reason is because her hair color is pretty natural and not as bizarre as other members' hair. LOL)

Girl's Generation SNSD Yuri, Yuri Party Makeup Tutorial, Yuri SNSD Party Makeup Tutorial, SNSD Party Make Up Tutorial

As usual, their makeup always been very simple and easy to do. I hardly see Yuri's eye shadow here, and from what I've observed; her subtle brown winged eyeliner and fuchsia lip color are the main points of her makeup ;)

So let's get started!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

DON'T DO #DontJudgeChallenge Without Knowing The Cause

Klik di sini untuk membaca artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Recently, I often see people on social media spreading a trend named Don't Judge Challenge or as known as #dontjudgechallenge. I bet all of you at least ever see the video once. At first I know the trend when I was scrolling my Instagram feeds and cringed. People with silly faces and strange drawing, becoming prettier in next seconds (with makeup on). My first thought was: "WTH what is this?"

I didn't really understand the meaning of this challenge, but the more I see the #dontjudgechallenge videos.. It seemed so fun.. From messy face to great face, from unappealing to attractive appearance.
BUT, after I knew the cause, I become discourage and took my decision to follow this trend.

Nah, how about you guys? Have you understand the meaning behind #dontjudgechallenge yet?
It's totally a mistake if you assume this challenge is something about transformation, from zero to hero, or from kiddy to grown-up.

image credit:

#Dontjudgechallenge references, based on most videos on social media:
1. Thick unibrow
2. Face with tons of freckles and pimples
3. Fat and gross lips
4. Imperfect teeth

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Jangan Ikut-ikutan #dontjudgechallenge Kalau Tidak Paham Artinya!

Click this link to read the article in English

Sebulan terakhir, aku lumayan sering melihat orang-orang di sosial media melakukan yang namanya Don't Judge Challenge atau aksi upload video dengan hashtag #dontjudgechallenge. Aku berani taruhan kalian pasti pernah lihat di sosial media manapun (paling ngga lihat sekilas). Pertama aku tau tentang hashtag tersebut pas lagi asik scroll-scroll Instagram. Aku langsung mengernyitkan dahi karena lihat video muka dicoret-coret tidak lazim, meskipun setelah kameranya ditutupin langsung berubah jadi cantik. Yang langsung muncul di pikiran: "Ih apaan sih. Kurang kerjaan banget."

Pada awalnya sih aku ngga terlalu paham, tapi semakin aku lihat video-video #dontjudgechallenge.. Kok kayaknya seru gitu ya, dari yang jelek; makeup acak-acakan kayak badut terus beberapa detik kemudian langsung jadi cakep. Aku sempat tergoda juga pengen ikutan, tapi setelah tau maksud di balik semua itu, aku jadi mengurungkan niatku.

Nah kalian sendiri bagaimana? Apa sudah paham #dontjudgechallenge itu apa?

Suatu hal yang konyol kalau challenge itu diartikan sebagai masa perubahan / transisi / transformasi dari jelek ke cakep, atau dari kecil ke besar. Sebelum kita buru-buru ikutan, ada baiknya kalian mengetahui terlebih dahulu asal muasal challenge itu berasal.

image credit:
Biasanya orang-orang yang ikutan upload video ini, mencoret-coret wajah mereka dengan beberapa ciri-ciri:
1. Alis nyambung (unibrow)
2. Muka penuh bintik-bintik (seperti jerawat)
3. Bibir dower / tebal
4. Gigi jelek, tidak sempurna

Monday, July 20, 2015

SHARP AQUOS CRYSTAL - Semangat Tanpa Batas!

Apa yang terlintas pertama kali di benak kalian ketika mendengar kata "SHARP"? Well, siapa sih yang ngga kenal brand elektronik yang sudah sangat kondang ini? ;) SHARP sendiri sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1912, dan telah memproduksi banyak produk elektronik seperti:
  • TV LED, Photovoltaic
  • Home Appliances (AC, Kulkas, Air Purifier, Mesin Cuci)
  • Audio Visual (Speaker, Home Theatre, Audio Portable)
  • Small Home Appliances (Blender, Coffee Maker, Hair Dryer, Hair Straightener, Oven, Juicer, Kettle, Microwave, Mixer, Rice Cooker, Toaster, Vacuum Cleaner, Water Dispenser, Water Heater)
  • Office Equipment (Information Display Panel, Interactive White Board)
Dengan sedemikian lengkap produk elektronik yang sudah diproduksi oleh SHARP, tak lengkap rasanya kalau SHARP belum merambah ke area Smartphone. Yup, sebenarnya sih sudah dari bertahun-tahun yang lalu SHARP memproduksi handphone, tapi baru sekitar tahun 2010-2012 SHARP mulai memproduksi smartphone. Salah satu smartphone SHARP yang paling diunggulkan sejak tahun 2014 adalah SHARP AQUOS CRYSTAL.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Laneige Snow BB Soothing Cushion [review]

Hey guys! I'm so excited to share you guys this review ^___^
As you know, I got a chance to try this famous Laneige Snow BB Soothing Cushion from Laneige event a while ago :D You may read the whole story HERE. As I also got their Sleeping Water Sleeping Pack_EX, I will surely review it later :D Please stay tune!

Laneige Snow BB Soothing Cushion Review, Laneige BB cream review, Laneige Cushion review, Laneige Indonesia
A new-concept cushion-type BB with five active ingredients for Whitening + Sunscreen + Sweat-proof + Soothing + Makeup contained in the cushion to maximize the refreshing and soothing sensation. Every time you touch it, the air pump in the cushion contains air bubbles for thin and skin-friendly makeup. Also, it is provided in two separate containers to preserve the active ingredients and their functionality. The formulas can be used fresh and safely from start to finish

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Guergi Cover Foundation [review]

Hey guys! I'm currently in holiday, back to my hometown :D What do you do spend this holiday?
Old readers must have known that I barely wear foundation, even for special occasions. I hate thick and heavy layer that covers my face like a mask; thus I prefer BB Cream or CC cream over foundation. Since I heard many good reviews about this product, I became tempted to try this foundation. Well, this was my latest foundation after quite a while :p

Guergi Cover Foundation, Brand Guergi, Guergi Cover Foundation Review, High Coverage Foundation

Long lasting, full cover makeup with coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. It protects skin against aging and the formation of wrinkles as well as free radicals and other negative environmental factors. An effective combination of UVA/UVB filters SPF30 guarantees skin is protected from the harmful effects of the sun. On application, skin is silky, smooth and radiant.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

K-LENSPOP: Cara Gray Contact Lens [review]

Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna start this month with new review of my recent favorite contact lens from :) I barely wear contact lens for office, I only wear contact lens for photoshoot, special occasion or date. For me, looking for comfortable lens is a must. The price comes later. First of all, thanks to KLENSPOP for sending me this lens for review purpose :) They sent me two pairs of lens and I will review the other lens later. Keep stay tune!

K-lens pop review, Klenspop review, Cara Gray Contact Lens Review
Cara contact lens by Klenspop comes in bottle packaging, along with free clear case and contact lens clamp (to be honest I never use contact lens clamp, I always use my clean fingers to take out contact lens :p). For gray color, they use yellow color for the bottle cover.