
Thursday, June 25, 2015

My Eyebrows Transformation

Hi guys! Today I want to share about my eyebrows transformation. If you're one of my old readers, most likely you've known that I'm blessed with a pair of thick eyebrows (and hairy forehead). When I was in University, I didn't really care about my brows. I often neglected it and didn't really pay much attention to them. But it doesn't mean I don't know how to shape and groom my own eyebrows now. I keep practicing to figure out the best shape of my eyebrows and make them look more presentable.

Nevertheless, I wasn't satisfied enough with my eyebrows. I wanted to try Brow Waxing to achieve perfect eyebrows (and if possible, I wanted to wax my hairy forehead as well). ANDDD... guess what? How happy I am, when finally I got my eyebrows waxing done by a professional! My eyebrows were handled by Dandelion Waxing, Surabaya. Started from December 2014, they provide THE BROW BAR service and here I'm presenting to you the whole process and details about services that I received there :D

Awalnya aku sama sekali ngga bisa bentuk alis, karena aku anggap alisku udah tebel, ngga butuh digambar-gambar lagi lah. Ternyata hal itu salah. Setelah belajar untuk membentuk dan menggambar alis, alisku nampak lebih kece dan lebih rapi. Namun, serapi-rapinya kemampuanku, aku masih gak tega untuk cabut alis terlalu banyak dan ngga mau cukur alis juga (karena bikin bulu alis makin tebal dan kasar). Pengen coba yang namanya Eye Brow Waxing, tapi ngga tau dimana ada service Brow Waxing & Shaping yang oke di Surabaya.. Eh ternyata Dandelion Waxing sejak akhir Desember lalu udah menyediakan service untuk mengatasi masalah alis lho :D Namanya THE BROW BAR by Dandelion Waxing. Di postingan ini akan kujabarin lengkap tentang servis yang udah kuterima di sana.

 Anyway, this is my second visit to Dandelion Waxing, just in case if you missed the first post, you may read my previous review HERE :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

D'eyeko Olga Lydia NEW False Lashes [review]

Hello everyone! I'm back with latest review of D'eyeko False Lashes :D
Indonesian celebrity Olga Lydia, is recently having another collaborating with D'eyeko to create new false lashes with unique and lustrous designs, especially designed by herself. I've ever reviewed about D'eyeko Olga Lydia False Lashes back on 2013 (REVIEW) and I like them a lot! :) When I was given an opportunity to try another series of D'eyeko Olga Lydia False Lashes, I definitely become so excited! Thank you D'eyeko :)

Anyway If you know me, I never like to wear heavy and thick false lashes, that's why I always pick natural false lashes for my makeup. I probably only wear thick falsie only 1-2 times a year :p So if you're into natural & dolly look false lashes like me, I bet you will love these falsies as well! ♥

Halo semua, kali ini D'eyeko mengeluarkan bulu mata palsu mereka yang baru, seri Olga Lydia lagi nih :D Kalau kalian suka sama bulmat palsu yang tidak tebal, keliatan natural dan bisa bikin kalian keliatan kayak boneka, aku yakin kalian akan suka sama bulu mata palsu D'eyeko yang satu ini ♥

D'eyeko Olga Lydia new, D'eyeko Olga Lydia False Lashes Review, D'eyeko Olga Lydia Fake Lashes Review, Review Bulu mata palsu D'eyeko, Review Bulu mata palsu Olga Lydia D'eyeko, Falsie D'eyeko,

Just like other D'eyeko false lashes, these Olga Lydia falsie series are also packaged in transparent plastic, along with thick carton paper and usually with glue adhesive. BUT, this time they didn't include a glue adhesive in these false lashes, and I wonder why o_o

Friday, June 19, 2015

IU, The New Brand Ambassador of ISOI

I admit that I'm quite out of date, because I just knew that IU is a new endorser of a cosmetic brand named ISOI. Yes I know the brand itself sounds so unfamiliar to us :p I remember that I've ever read a news about IU, said that she has been appointed as new brand ambassador of another cosmetic brand (not The Saem anymore), but I didn't find out more.
Yesterday when I watched Episode 8 of The Producer, IU's newest drama, I saw range of skin care products on her dressing table. I googled it and it's ISOI :) The more I search about ISO, the more interested I became!

ISOI 아이소이
/ read: ai-so-i /

40 years ago Korea first was introduced with organic cosmetics from Germany and created Logo to produce cosmetics for pure natural skin, this concept formed the philosophy of the brand to make organic & natural skin care. ISOI provides skin friendly chemical and natural ingredients formulated cosmetics & skin care, which nourish even sensitive & problem skin. Increase skin power, health and manage its turnover in order to get flawless skin


ISOI itu apa sih? ISOI adalah merk kosmetik dari Korea yang pada awalnya dikembangkan di Jerman. Sejarah tentang ISOI sendiri masih belum jelas dan aku belum tahu kapan berdirinya ISOI ini. Berdasarkan penjelasan di media, ISOI ini menawarkan produk kosmetik yang sangat bersahabat dengan kulit, mengandung bahan-bahan organik alami yang tidak mengandung bahan-bahan berbahaya sama sekali. Wow kedengarannya menarik ya? ^.^

Thursday, June 18, 2015

ELF Lip Lock Pencil [review]

Hello everyone! When it comes to lipstick topic, I believe most of women will be so excited to talk about it! Since I have quite numerous lip products recently (not as many as yours, yes.. you! :p :p Just admit it. LOL), I wish I can find a lips product that can makes my lipstick last longer, so I don't need to reapply it too often. Sounds impossible?

Well, it's been more than a year since I talk about ELF cosmetics. ELF is well known as cheap cosmetics with good quality. Today I'd like to review about ELF Lip Lock Pencil ;)
To be honest, I never heard this product before the owner of @beautynbook (on Instagram) sent me this for review purpose. Thank you! ^.^

Let's jump to the review then :D

The product is packaged in a standard long box, professional-like packaging. The Lip Lock Pencil itself looks like a PEN, instead of pencil. I wonder why ELF named this product as Pencil, and not pen O_O Anyway, it's automatic pencil and doesn't need to be sharpened.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hair Tutorial - Subtle Curls for the End of Hair

Hello everyone! Because I'm in a good mood, I made another video for you guys! ^.^
This time, I made a simple hair tutorial, which is really suitable for everyday look!
I actually don't know how to call this hair style.. So let's call it SUBTLE CURLS FOR THE END OF HAIR Hair tutorial :D

I believe this kind of hair style is quite popular recently (in Indonesia, or at least in Surabaya), because I see a lot of girls use this hair style everywhere!

Subtle curls only at the end of hair.. This hair tutorial will works best for medium-long hair ;) but if you want, you can also apply this technique for your short hair!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution [review]

What is Micellar Water? Some of you may have familiar with Micellar Water and some probably haven't yet. Because this is my first time reviewing a Micellar Water, let me explain what does it means first.. Micellar Water or Micelle Solution is a non-rinse, quick and easy-to-use product cleanse makeup! It's kind of a lifesaver for the late nights and lazy person :p I usually use this first to remove all my eye makeup (because it's more gentle than regular makeup remover), continued with cleansing oil, cleansing foam and other skin care routine products (I have written my current skin care routine on THIS POST anyway ;))

There are some Micellar Water products that released on the market right now, but I believe one of the most popular Micellar Water products is Bioderma Sensibio H2O.

Bioderma Sensibio is packaged in a sturdy transparent bottle, with pink cap as signature color of Sensibio Line. They recently also released Bioderma Sebium (with bright green color as the signature color) for acne-prone and blemished skin. This micellar water is available in 100 ml, 250 ml, and 500 ml sizes. You may buy this in Guardian, or Watson.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

SHARP Plasmacluster Hair Dryer Review + Demo

HELLO EVERYONE! I'm so excited because I just filmed a review & demo video about this SHARP Plasmacluster Hair Dryer. I guess this video will marks my official come back to Youtube? XD LOL. Though I'm not sure I can update my channel often, I'll try my best to maintain it!

Anway, glad to announce that I won writing contest that hosted by Kawaii Beauty Japan & Sharp Indonesia a while ago ^____^ Praise The Lord!
You may read the article that I've written HERE. Finally I could lay my hand on this pink thing!

This product is also called as Sharp Plasmacluster Hair Conditioner!

- Contains Plasmacluster Ion
- Moisturize hair by 23.000.000 Ion/cm
- Extra Moisture to Reduces Cuticle Damage
- Reduce Static Electricity Fewer Split Ends and hair Breakage
- Fewer Split Ends and Hair Breakage

Guess what? This was also my first time speaking in the video! To be honest, I'm quite embarrassed with my accent and hopefully you won't be "il-feel" after listened to my voice ;____;

Does this hair dryer really worth the price? ^.^

Please subscribe ^.^ If you have any video request, please comment on this post..
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy this video and I'll see you later! ♥

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

KOJIE•SAN Skin Lightening Series [review]

Hello guys! Thanks to Kojiesan Indonesia for sending me this hampers and sorry for delayed reviews >_< Lately I got a lot of skin care products on my hand and testing them one by one really takes time, patience and effort. Hopefully I can present the rest of reviews to you as soon as possible.

Kojiesan products has became a hot topic a while ago and who still doesn't know that Kojiesan is a Filipino brand, and not a Japanese brand? I thought it's a Japanese brand :p :p LOL
Yup, Kojie San is manfucatured in Philippines and brought to you by PT. UICCP Indonesia.

Since I got several products here, I shared some of them to my brother because his skin literally needs some improvement =D I shared the Lightening Series to him and I keep the Dream White series for myself. I will review the whole series of Kojiesan Lightening products first, on this post.

Kojiesan Skin Lightening Review, Kojiesan Dream White Review, Produk Kojiesan, Produk Pemutih wajah yang aman, produk pemutih badan aman

  • Kojiesan Face Lightening Cream (on this post)
  • Kojiesan Skin Lightening Soap (on this post)
  • Kojiesan Lightening Lotion (on this post)
  • Kojiesan Dream White Face Cream Moisturizer
  • Kojiesan Dream White Anti-aging Soap

Here we go! Read more to go the reviews :D

Sunday, June 7, 2015

TMART: Long Curly Wig Coffee [review]

How important role of a wig for appearance? In particular occasions and purposes, the use of wig is pretty crucial. Whether you wear it for everyday or only for photo shoot, all of us know that sometimes wig is needed :) More than a year ago I bought 2 wigs from local wig seller (because they were on sale) and I ended up looked like a crap because of wrong application and absence of brow mascara with appropriate colors -_- Later on I always hesitate to purchase another wig because I think it's so impulsive, as I don't wear wig everyday. 

Till one day I got tempted to try another wig.. Learned from past experience, for this time I chose a wig with dark wearable color, that most probably would suits my Asian skin tone :P Thanks to Joice from Tmart who has sent me this wig!

Get a fantastic finish for your outfit with our brilliant hair wigs! The 68cm lc065-m827 Women Synthetic Fiber Side Bangs Long Curly Hair Wig presents you a long curly hair style with side bangs that perfectly frame your face. Featuring modern and fashionable design, the wig looks so natural as if it is growing from your own hairline. Its undetectable front and top gives a realistic look. In addition, the wig can be extracurled to give you the charming style you desire.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Maybelline Color Show Lipstick [review]

Hello hello guys! ^__^ I'm coming back with another lippies review!
Actually I didn't plan to buy more lipsticks, since I still have a lot.. but Maybelline threw sudden hidden surprise to their customers last March. Without any announcement on their official social media accounts, they distributed COLOR SHOW Lipstick in sets! The Color Show Lipstick sets were limited editions and I guess the distribution didn't cover all counters of Maybelline in Indonesia, but lucky me.. I got chance to buy one of three sets in Matahari Department Store Cito Surabaya XD

Jadi ceritanya kemarin bulan Maret itu mendadak Maybelline bikin surprise.. tiba-tiba aja tanpa pemberitahuan di social media, mereka keluarin 3 set Color Show Lipstick yang dikemas secara limited edition dan ngga didistribusikan secara merata di semua counter seluruh Indonesia (rasanya sih ya, soalnya ada beberapa kenalan di kota kecil yang ngga nemu di counter Maybelline terdekat). Harganya murmer banget dan udah dapet 5 biji lipen XD Mana bisa aku nolak? Hehehehehehe.. Akhirnya aku beli juga 1 set buat diriku sendiri ^.^

Please welcome the new members of my lip products collection.. :D
Maybelline Color Show Lipstick!

Because I'm more comfortable with nude lipstick, I chose this set! ^__^
Anyway, I got the information about these sets from group member of Beauty enthusiasts community that I'm managing in Facebook :D :D Let's take a look other sets!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

F&B: Kita + Kita Food Studio [review]

Hello guys! I didn't realize there is a new place to eat on South Surabaya, till few weeks ago my friend mentioned it. We planned to throw a simple bridal shower celebration to 2 pairs of our friends that were going to get married in upcoming month, and we looked for a fancy restaurant with affordable budget and provides private area for reservation. Here is it, we found KITA + KITA FOOD STUDIO :D

First Impression
White color always been a good pick to create a pure, simple and homey atmosphere. The place is very clean, neat and nice. They're using simple, vintage and minimalist theme for their restaurant concept, along with touch of unique decorations at some spots :)

Monday, June 1, 2015

BEAUTY TIPS #1: Bagaimana Mengatasi & Merawat Kulit yang Iritasi dan Meradang

CLICK THIS LINK to read this article in English

DISCLAIMER: Aku bukan seorang yang profesional dalam hal estetika kulit, aku menulis post ini berdasarkan pengalaman dan sepengetahuanku. Hasil nya mungkin akan berbeda satu dengan lainnya. Jika kalian berminat untuk mencoba metode yang kulakukan, silahkan :) tapi aku tidak bertanggung jawab dengan hasilnya.


Sebagai seorang blogger kecantikan dan seorang penggemar kecantikan, satu dari sekian banyak kekhawatiranku adalah, efek negatif dari produk perawatan kulit (seperti jerawat, bruntusan, iritasi). Aku cukup berganti-ganti produk perawatan kulit dan selama ini aku lega karena tidak ada efek negatif mengerikan yang terjadi pada kulitku. Beberapa pembaca bahkan bilang seperti "enak yaa ci Shelvi kulitnya gak rewel" :D Hingga suatu hari, aku panik karena kondisi kulitku...

Malem hari, pas aku sedang bersihin muka dengan pembersih muka yang biasa aku pake, aku kaget banget karena mendadak permukaan kulitku terasa kasar, agak kemerahan dan gatal O_O Aku beneran ngga ngerti kenapa kulitku mendadak bereaksi kayak gitu. Aku coba inget-inget produk apa yang membuat kulitku seperti ini.. apa aku ada melakukan hal yang salah?

Aku terus berusaha menebak-nebak gejala apa sih ini.. kukira kulitku cuma butuh dikasih face mask (yang ada fungsi untuk melembutkan) aja, setelah aku pakein face mask, ternyata ngga ngefek :s
Parahnya lagi sih karena pas itu jadwal lagi padat-padatnya, aku bener-bener gak ada waktu untuk ke dokter kulit dan terpaksa harus research sendiri selama beberapa hari.

Kulitku terasa makin gatal, merah-merah dan tambah sensitif :( kerasa perih pas aku paksain pake face serum dan night cream ku yang biasanya. Tak berapa lama kemudian akhirnya aku baru tau kalo kulitku ternyata lagi iritasi dan meradang.

Karena iritasi dan radang kulit itulah, kulitku jadi nolak produk apapun (yang mengandung bahan kimia) yang kutemplokin ke muka dan kemudian jadi agak prih. Kulitku yang lagi sensitif ini hanya mau terima bahan-bahan alami saja >_< Sampe sekarang aku ngga yakin bahan apa yang menyebabkan kulitku jadi kayak gini, tapi setelah insiden ini aku jadi ngehindarin banget skin care products dengan bahan-bahan yang ngga baik untuk kulit sensitif :(