
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[UPDATE] How I cleanse my face with Konjac Sponge

As I promised to My Konjac Sponge before, finally I could made a video about Konjac Sponge! ^^ I got some problems with my video editing program few weeks ago, and it quite made me frustrated :s Thank God I could solved the problems and I present this video for you guys :)

click the image to see my full review about this cute konjac sponge

pardon me if there's any silly expression of mine >.< lol
note: you need to raise the volume if you want to listen the song :)
sorry for the inconvenience >.< gonna fix it for the next video

Thanks for watching guys ^.^
Have a nice day~! ❤

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My First Experience with ZAP Permanent Hair Removal

Hi everyone~ I'll use Bahasa Indonesia for this post, because I want to introduce this awesome service to my Indonesian readers :) If you want, you are able to hit "translate" button on my sidebar ┏( >_<)┛

Tanggal 3 September 2012 aku pertama kali mencoba yang namanya permanent hair removal. Pasti banyak diantara kalian yang menyangsikan.. apakah sungguh-sungguh bisa hilang secara permanen?? Baca terus ya untuk informasi lebih lengkap (✿◠‿◠)

ZAP outlet yang ada di Surabaya
 Mari kita lihat Outlet ZAP yang di Surabaya lebih dekat ^-^

Tempatnya nyaman, disediakan TV kabel di ruang tamu dan di kamar treatment, disediakan juga snack, minuman dan majalah lho :D Para staff juga sangat ramah, dan tak segan membantu bila kita punya banyak pertanyaan :)

Apa itu ZAP?
ZAP adalah spesialis perawatan menghilangkan rambut di tubuh secara permanen dengan menggunakan teknologi tercanggih yang ada di pasar dunia saat ini. ZAP dapat menghilangkan unwanted hair (bulu-bulu yang tidak diinginkan) secara cepat, aman dan tanpa rasa sakit.

ZAP hanya menggunakan peralatan yang telah lulus uji mutu dan memiliki sertifikasi internasional (FDA maupun CE), serta pada awal pendiriannya (2,5 tahun) dipantau langsung oleh seorang ahli dari Australia untuk memastikan ZAP Indonesia melakukan treatment dan memberikan pelayanan yang sesuai dengan standart Internasional.
Hingga saat ini ZAP telah dipercaya oleh lebih dari 20.000 client untuk melakukan lebih dari 45.000 prosedur treatment hair removal di Indonesia, menjadikan ZAP sebagai market leader yang sangat berpengalaman dalam bidang ini. Melalui konsep yang unik ZAP memperkenalkan Permanent Hair Removal dan keunggulannya kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.
ZAP OUTLET saat ini berada di lokasi yang mudah dijangkau di 3 kota besar Indonesia yaitu Jakarta, Bandung, dan Surabaya. Dalam waktu dekat ZAP akan membuka beberapa outlet baru di berbagai kota, diantaranya Bali, Medan, Makasar, Jogja, Batam, Semarang, Palembang. (src:

Ini adalah video yang sangat menarik dari ZAP (⌒__⌒ ) lucuu! hehe

buku-buku album testimoni dari para klien yang puas akan servis dari ZAP

Brosur dari ZAP yang berisi informasi lengkap

Artikel ZAP yang dimuat di tabloid (sorry aku lupa tabloidnya apa >..<)

Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di video, staff dari ZAP kembali menjelaskan kepadaku apa itu ZAP, bagaimana cara kerjanya dan seterusnya.

Energi cahaya yang diserap oleh folikel rambut akan berubah menjadi energi panas. Energi cahaya tersebut akan menghancurkan sel rambut "halmatriks" dan akar rambut "dermal papila" sehingga dapat menghilangkan kemampuan mereka untuk memproduksi rambut baru.

Ok langsung aja masuk ke kamar treatmentnya! ;p
Di outlet ini ruangannya baru satu saja, sehingga sebaiknya melakukan appointment dulu dengan pihak ZAP supaya tidak bertabrakan dengan klien lain. Hari ini aku mencoba lower legs treatment :)

simpel tapi nyaman.. ada TV kabelnya juga lho.. jadi sembari di-treatment, klien bisa nonton TV :D Semoga ZAP semakin sukses sehingga bisa ekspansi ke tempat yang lebih besar dan semakin banyak masyarakat yang dapat mencoba servis dari ZAP ^^

kacamata anti-cahaya yang dipinjamkan oleh terapis ZAP 

camwhoring time ._.v hahaha. Sorry for my straight face *grogi*

Lihat saja video ku kalau mau tahu bagaimana prosesnya ;)

Para terapis ZAP bekerja dengan sangat baik sekali. Klien perlu untuk komunikasi terus dengan para terapis, agar mereka tahu suhu dari alat tersebut terlalu tinggi/panas atau tidak.

Mereka bekerja dengan cepat, cermat, dan sabar :)

My lower legs after treatment. Bersih dari bulu-bulu yang tidak diinginkan \(≧∇≦)/
Ingat, perlu melakukan treatment minimal 4-6 kali sampai bulu benar-benar tidak tumbuh lagi :D

Perasaanku selama di-treatment: proses ZAP-ing nya tidak menyakitkan, hanya clekit-clekit saja. Tapi alat ZAP ini sensitif dengan kulit yang agak gelap (  ̄- ̄)> Jadi bagi pemilik kulit sawo matang mungkin akan merasakan rasa "clekit" yang lebih kuat dari apa yang dirasakan pemilik kulit yang cenderung putih. Di kaki ku ada pigmentasi dan warna kulit yang berbeda gara-gara bekas luka knalpot dan bekas gigitan nyamuk, jadi terasa bedanya pada waktu diproses ZAP. Tapi jangan kuatir, suhu dari alat ZAP bisa disesuaikan kok :) tinggal minta saja pada terapis untuk suhunya dikurangi.

Beberapa minggu pasca treatment: Beberapa hari setelah di ZAP, kaki ku agak gatal (normal) dan kuoleskan dengan aloe vera. Kemudian bulu-bulu ku tumbuh sangat lambat, sebagian rontok (yang sebelumnya berada di fase anagen) sebagian masih tumbuh normal tapi TIDAK lebat.

2 minggu setelah treatment TIDAK boleh terkena sinar matahari langsung (kecuali kalau terpaksa, harus memakai sunscreen minimal SPF 30), TIDAK boleh mandi dengan air panas dan tidak boleh olahraga terlalu keras.

Bisa dibilang treatment di ZAP ini termasuk mahal sih tapi memang worth it banget. Karena alat-alatnya memang yang terbaik dan servisnya bagus :) Nggak akan nyesel deh!

Thank you ZAP, for letting me try your awesome service (•ˆ⌣ˆ•) 
Thank to Mbak Niken who has offered me to try ZAP's service~
Thank you ZAP Outlet Surabaya ( '⌣')♥
Surely I will come back again very soon ;)

Untuk paket 5 kali treatment lebih murah lho.. tinggal kontak aja pihak ZAP untuk info lebih lanjut \(^o^)/ kalau buka, juga ada live-help nya, jadi bisa konsultasi dan chat langsung dengan customer service :D

Get zapped, discover your confidence!
Thanks for reading all :D

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tips: How to remove eyeliner & mascara

Hello everyone~ (゜∀゜) I will share my simple tips "how to remove eyeliner & mascara" today. These tips may works to remove eyeshadow as well ^-^
I don't know about you guys, but I couldn't really remove my eyeliner & mascara well few since I learned to play with makeup. The reasons are: the eyeliner always ended up with smudging everywhere (transferred from my eyelid to under eye) or the makeup remover sting my eyes while I removed my eyeliner :| And somehow it really becomes troublesome and annoyed me.  
Finally couple of weeks ago I found my tricks to remove my eyeliner and mascara easier *w*

Okay, let's start!
I only applied eyeliner & mascara at the moment

You will need:
1. Q-tip / cotton bud / cotton swabs (it has same meaning, just different term)
2. Makeup Remover / Eye & Lip Remover / Mascara Remover
3. Cotton pad (optional)

started with eyeliner, pick your cotton swab, soak it into makeup remover

Then, use your soaked cotton swab to remove the eyeliner gently.
It's easy peasy, but remember to take your time during this process ^△^

horizontal strokes, one direction. Don't rub your eyelid harshly. Discard the cotton swab if it's dirty enough.

Basically, you need same steps to remove the mascara. Just remove it patiently (to prevent eyelash fall out) 

Last step! For final touch, pour few drops of makeup remover onto a cotton pad :) To remove any excess eyeliner/mascara

remove the mascara on the eyelash gently ◕‿◕

As you can see, I need two cotton swabs and one cotton pad to remove my eyeliner & mascara completely (/^▽^)/ you may need more or less cotton swabs, depends on how thick and waterproof your eye makeup is.

If you never tried these tricks before, please try it if you want ^^ and please let me know if it's works for you! (n_n)
Thanks for reading fellas!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Skin Food Nail Vita BR608 [review]

Hi all~ Happy Sunday!! Hopefully you have a good day ;)
Today I will share my quick review about nail polish from Skin Food, Nail Vita in BR608 \(*v*)/
I have reviewed Nail Vita Nail Essence couple of weeks ago, and now I will review this nude color nail polish ;)
I didn't know that Skin Food has changed the packaging shape o.o
Made from sturdy glass, not cute xD but looks quite professional.

Enriched with vitamins and keratin, this long-lasting nail polish protects dehydrated and rough nails, with enhanced shine.

* To Use
After trimming, apply onto nails. Color may vary depending on number of coats applied.

It dries quickly, mistake-proof stroke and really easy to use ^^
only need 2 thin coats for a nice coated nails :D

SWATCH on my nails:

looks so natural, mature and suitable for any formal occasion ^^

I loveeee Nail Vitaaaaa! Easy to use and NO visible stroke-motion ^____^
*maksudnya, tidak ada bekas guratan kuasnya :p*

Don't forget to apply base coat before, and apply top coat afterward :)

What I love <3
+ Cheap
+ Available in many colors
+ Contains vitamin & keratin
+ Mistake-proof stroke
+ Dries quickly

What I hate </3
- Nothing atm! (oh, maybe they should design the packaging become cuter? xD haha)

Rating: 4.5/5

Repurchase? Yes ^^

I got mine from My Lovely Corner Shop :) 
You can contact her to know the exact price (^u^)/
Don't forget to mention XIAO VEE to get:
Free ongkir (Jakarta) ^^
Disc 5% for ready stock
Disc 10% for handmade stuff

Thanks for reading all ;)
Have a nice day~!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Etude House Highlight Me Body Glam [review]

Anyone who has waiting for this review? Today I'll present to you my thoughts about this pinky thing from Etude House  (^▽^)  It's Highlight Me Body Glam. It's a brightener for your body!

Actually I never intend to buy this product, since I think this kind of product is made for girls who has long & attractive legs and want to show off theirs (for example, K-pop singers and girlgroups), lol xP
One day I got opportunity to try this product because I won this product from Etude House Global FB Page :) I was curious about this product as well. Finally few weeks ago I tried it.

Highlight Me! Body Glam SPF50+/PA+++
Brighten your body, brighten your charm.

Content: 20gr

This golden-pink shimmering, glimmering body brightener improves the health and attractiveness of body and legs. Formulated with Argan Oil & Rose Water to moisturize and smooth skin.

Direction: For glimmering result, apply puff. To accentuate glow, buff with circular motion.

err sorry my camera couldn't catch the descriptions and ingredients clearly :s they should've put larger fonts, lol.

It has hot pink as its main color. Consists of a convenient & big puff and huge amount of product. But it's bulky and not travel-friendly :x

There is a plastic separator between the the "cream" and powder. 
I don't know why the color become beige-ish in these photos o_o The fact is, its color is pinkish!

Please excuse the different color of its product, actually its color is pink =w=a

subtle pink and hint of shimmer

Texture: reminds me with foundation in pressed form. It's quite creamy, and easy to blend. Don't worry, this body glam will brighten your body without make it become like a disco ball. It's lighweight, but little bit sticky.

I like to use this body brightener when I have to use a dress or short pants at morning or noon. It brightens my legs and arms, and shows a glowing healthy skin effect. Another plus is, it protects my skin (with SPF50+/PA+++) from harmful sun rays! :D
Any minus point? Yes it's bulky :s

What I love <3
+ Brighten my skin instantly, without makes my body like a disco ball
+ It has subtle shimmer, gives glowing healthy skin effect
+ Has SPF50+/PA+++
+ Huge amount (20g)
+ Has a big puff, which is convenient to apply it on my leg and arm.
+ Easy to blend
+ Affordable, it costs around IDR 130,000-150,000 in Indonesia
+ Quite long lasting
+ Quite waterproof

What I hate </3
- Bulky packaging
- Feels sticky little bit

Rating: 4/5

Repurchase? Maybe ^-^ since I'm still not sure that I can finish up this one, lol

What do you think about this product?
Have you tried any similar product? Share with me ^^
Thanks for reading :D

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Konjac Sponge Water Drop Volcanic Stone Facial Sponge [review] + short comparison

Hopefully i'm not the last person who will review this cute sponge >.<
Sorry for delayed post :( This post become so delayed for around 2 months because I got problems with my video editing program. Actually I have recorded the demo "how to use this sponge properly" but I can't upload it, since I haven't edited it yet. Arrghh T^T really sorry! Editing video become so complicated *start to blame my lame and old laptop (T▽T)*

Back to topic, MyKonjacSponge kindly sent me this product for review purpose :) So basically this is a gentle exfoliator for your daily basis. You are able to use this sponge everyday (yes, twice a day as well) Interested? \(´▽`)/

The main ingredient of this product is *of course* Konjac Plants, which are planted at Jeju Island. Their factory is based on Jeju Island, South Korea. 
The island contains the natural World Heritage Site, Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes. This means that due to its amazing volcanic rock structure and its outstanding beauty it has world recognition and protection. It’s reputed to have some of the cleanest and purest water in the world. So pure that the water is bottled and sold to drink.
WOW, the cleanest and purest water in the world ( ゜◇゜)
I have been to Jeju Island last June, but I did not notice about their pureness of water >.<

So, those Konjac plants are planted at Jeju Island and got lots of pure water and planted carefully ( ^▽^ ) wow, what a great goodness of nature!
Mine is Water Drop Volcanic Stone variant, I heard this sponge is suitable for dry-skin type owner. This sponge is used to cleanse your face :)

Packaging: made from plastic, the color is dominated by hot pink. Cute and simple 

Perfectly represented by its pinkish color, Volcanic Stone is the sponge that you want to use when you feel that you have many layers of dead skin to exfoliate. Layers of dead skin make your skin look dull and darker than your actual tone.
This pinkish sponge is naturally made of 100% pure vegetable fiber enriched with drops of volcanic stone that could biologically absorb excess oil on your skin as you scrub the dirts off the skin; perfect for teen skin. Processed without any coloring and addictive, this sponge is also suitable for those with hypersensitive skin.
My Konjac Sponge is an advocate of going-green movement. Not only that our sponges are naturally sustainable, but they also 100% biodegradable; indulge your skin with the goodness of nature.

순식물성 (sunsikmulseong) *I don't know what it means, maybe the name of plant?
천연곤얙 스폰지 (Natural Konjac Sponge)

 Did you know? it's labeled as HANDMADE (핸드메이드) ^^

 Note: Discard the sponge if it got damaged or worn. The sponge should last up to 6 months, but once it starts to break down, please replace it.

The sponge itself has smooth texture (after fully absorb water) and it's not harsh at all! :3
Safe for your delicate skin (゜∀゜)

See the pores? This sponge will be hardens (and shrink) couple hours after usage, you can use it again after soak it into a bowl of water.

How to use it?
1. Soak it into bowl of water, let it wet
2. Squeeze excess of the water
3. Rub it on your face gently, or use with your cleansing foam.
(I prefer use with my favorite cleansing foam ^^)

And you can hang this sponge in your bathroom as well, just please make sure that you place this sponge at ventilated place for air drying.

I love to use this sponge for my gentle exfoliator for everyday ^^ Believe it or not, since use this sponge, I rarely get pimples! (*´▽`*)yayy!
Anyway, don't let this sponge be contaminated by bacterias. If necessary, heat this sponge up for 1.5 mins in microwave to kills them :)

What I love <3
+ Great gentle exfoliator for everyday
+ Cleanse my face well :D
+ Safe for all skin types even for hypersensitive skin!
+ Keep me away from pimples
+ It's not harsh at all, very gentle for skin :D
+ 100% Natural spong
+ 100% Coloring Free
+ 100% Biodegradable
+ Easy to find in Indonesia

What I hate </3
- Nothing atm :D

Short comparison with Natural Jelly Cleansing Puff
from Etude House:

Packaging: Etude House wins
Sponge's performance: Both win
Texture: Konjac Sponge wins
Durability: Etude House wins
Price: Etude House wins
Ease of application: Both wins
Ease of buying: Konjac Sponge wins
Result: 50/50

Personally I love them so much ^^ But it's easier to find Konjac Sponge in Indonesia because it's provided by My Konjac Sponge. It's harder to find Natural Jelly Cleansing Puff because we need to order it via online shop and I heard it tends to be sold out :s

If you are interested to buy this spongy sponge, you can contact them via:

See ya on my next post (^▽^) 
Thanks for reading!