
Friday, August 21, 2015

Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar [review]

안녕하세요 여러분! Hello everyone! 
I guess it's been a while since I reviewed about a lip Korean makeup product! :D
I know this product might not new, but it's still exciting to share since I never tried lip gloss product from Tony Moly. To be exact, it's not a lip gloss product with regular wet applicator, but in bar form! ;) Curious?


Tony Moly Lip Gloss, Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar Review, Tony Moly Lip Balm Lip Gloss Review

What can I say? As a lip gloss product, this gloss bar has cutest packaging ever! It's simple yet captivating ^^ Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar currently has 6 colors to pick, and I got the lightest color. Every color of this gloss bar is represented by its appearance, so you don't need to peek the bullet inside to guess the gloss bar's color.

Monday, August 17, 2015

3 Kebiasaan yang Nampaknya Sepele tapi Menghancurkan

Before today ends, I want to write something for Indonesia on my blog. Yes, today my country is celebrating Indonesian 70th Independence Day. Wow, we sound so old, don't we? But I believe there are many aspects that we have to improve. To achieve improvement of Indonesia, we can't only rely on government, we NEED to do our parts as well.

Dirgahayu 70 th Indonesiaku :)

Ehem, I know I might lack of knowledge about Indonesia (I learned about Indonesian history in school, but I forgot the complicated details many years later :p), and because I don't master about Indonesian history and government bureaucracy, I won't talk much about those aspects. Instead, I will "pour off" my minds about Indonesia in other aspects.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

K-LENSPOP: Cara Blue Contact Lens [review]

Hello everyone~ I'm back with another review about contact lens that I got from K-lenspop. I have been using this lens for a while and I think it's time for me to share my thoughts about this lens :) I know maybe this brand sounds quite familiar to you, but I have reviewed 2 pair of lenses from Klenspop before, so if you are one of my loyal readers, probably you've ever seen my previous review before ^.^

First of all, I'd like to apologize to Klenspop for the overdue review, this post is supposed to be up few weeks ago x_x Finally I managed to edit these photos and settle down some things. So hope you guys enjoys this review!


K-lenspop Cara Blue Review, Klenspop Contact Lens Review

Cara Series from Klenspop is also packed in vial (or bottle) packaging, with regular box from Klenspop. I also got free contact lens case and contact lens clamp :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Detox Facial Treatment at Oribel Beauty Care [review]

Hello everyone! Few months ago I was contacted by Oribel Beauty Care Salon to try their facial treatment, but due to some reasons finally I just could stepped my feet on their place like 3 weeks ago. It took a while for me to test if there's any post-treatment symptom, in order to compliment this post :) Also, not trying to look for an excuse, but my video editor acted strangely since this early August, and it forced me to use my previous video editor for a moment. Phew, hopefully my video editor's problem will get solved soon.

Back to the topic! Around mid July I visited this Salon for the first time :D Let me introduce you.. this is

Oribel, Oribel Beauty Care, Oribel Beauty Care Surabaya, Oribel service review
Oribel's appearance from outside
Oribel, Oribel Beauty Care, Oribel Beauty Care Surabaya, Oribel service review

As you can tell from the banner, Oribel covers most of ladies' needs in pampering way. Oribel offers hair service, skin care service, and nail service :) Oribel is located Ruko Raya Dharmahusada, Surabaya. From a far, this place might look cramped and small, but we always can't judge something by its cover, can we? 
Let's go inside! ^_^

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Acnes Sealing Jell [review]

Hello guys! This review is actually supposed to be up few months ago, but I tried to keep it in draft till I have settled  down my opinion about this product. For those of you who live in Indonesia, you must quite familiar with this brand, Acnes. Acnes is a brand that specializing in acne elimination. Acnes is a brand under Rohto Parmaceutical Japan, brand that released Hada Labo. I have tried this product for a while and I think this review is proper enough. Let me introduce you, ACNES SEALING JELL.

Halo semua, sebenarnya review ini seharusnya udah aku publish beberapa bulan lalu, tapi aku menyimpannya di draft selama beberapa saat sampai aku udah benar-benar mantap dengan opiniku. Bagi kalian yang tinggal di Indonesia, pasti cukup familiar dengan merek yang satu ini, yakni Acnes. Sekedar info saja, Acnes ini adalah brand yang dikeluarkan oleh Rohto Parmaceutical Japan (satu perusahaan dengan Hada Labo), dan spesial untuk mengatasi masalah jerawat. Aku sudah menggunakan produk ini selama beberapa waktu, dan kurasa udah saatnya aku mereview produk yang satu ini, ACNES SEALING JELL.

Acnes Sealing Jell Review, Mentholatum Acnes Sealing Jell, Review obat jerawat
Acnes Sealing Jell is packed in glue-tube like packaging. It's quite small, flat and travel friendly. It has secure cap that may prevent any spill-out. The packaging's color is dominated with white for the body and green for the cap.
Acnes Sealing Jell ini dikemas dalam tube yang mirip dengan tube lem kertas. Ukurannya mungil dan mudah dibawa-bawa. Tutupnya pun cukup erat dan ngga bikin takut kepencet kalau dimasukkan di dalam tas. Warna tubenya didominasi warna putih, dengan tutup hijau.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

5 Kebohongan yang Pernah Dilakukan oleh Penjual Online Shop

Hai semua! Bagaimana sih rasanya ketemu sama penjual online shop yang ngeselin? Bisa dalam posisi kita sebagai calon customer atau non-customer yang merasa dirugikan oleh perilaku penjual-penjual tersebut.
Tiba-tiba aja aku sponton pengen nulis post kayak gini dan artikel ini kutulis dalam 2 hari. Hal ini bermula dari keherananku terhadap perilaku-perilaku penjual online shop yang aneh-aneh sampai yang tidak beretika. Banyak dari teman-teman sesama bloggerku yang menjadi korban.

Tentu tidak semua online seller itu nakal; penjual yang jujur pun banyak (aku dulu juga adalah online shop seller, jadi aku lumayan mengerti suka dukanya berbisnis di bidang ini). Kalau kalian salah satu seller yang pernah melakukan hal di bawah ini, please don't do it again! I know, sometimes customers are also irritating, but you never can earn trust, respect and loyalty from us if you do one of these frauds. Berikut ini aku merangkum perilaku-perilaku beberapa penjual online shop yang pernah aku lihat dan amati; dan sering terjadi dalam transaksi dalam sosial media (terutama Instagram).

5 Kebohongan yang Pernah (atau Bahkan Sering) Dilakukan oleh Penjual Online Shop

1. Menggunakan foto BEFORE-AFTER penggunaan produk lain untuk dijadikan media promosi produk sendiri

Pernah merasakan menjadi blogger / social media influencer yang fotonya dicuri oleh non-sponsor dan dijadikan media promosi? Aku sendiri jarang mengalaminya, tapi banyak dari teman-temanku sesama blogger yang SERING banget jadi "korban" karena fotonya dicolong dan watermarknya ditimpa oleh nama online shop mereka.
Kalau produknya sama sih mungkin masih bisa dimaafkan ya, tapi bagaimana kalau produknya beda? Bagaimana rasanya kalau foto review before-after produk A diklaim sebagai foto before-after untuk produk X?

penipuan online, penipuan online shop seller, kebohongan penjual online shop, pembohongan publik oleh online shop
Lihat foto yang aku lingkari? Itu adalah hasil pemakaian produk Kiehl's Actively Correcting Beautifying BB Cream, dan BUKAN 88 Bounce Up Pact. Secara pribadi aku tidak kenal wajah-wajah lainnya, tapi foto manipulasi ini aku ambil dari Instagram: @cantikarea

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

NYX Doll Eye Waterproof Mascara [review]

Hello everyone! Today's topic is all about mascara! To be honest I don't use mascara often, because most of mascaras that I've ever used were flaking and annoyed my eyes when I have contact lens on. Life span of any mascara is relatively short, only 3-6 months, so it's been a while since I purchased my last mascara! #momentoftruth

I heard some of good reviews about this mascara from NYX and I decided to give a try! 
Here we come, NYX Doll Eye Waterproof Mascara :)

NYX Doll Eye Waterproof Mascara Review, NYX mascara review, NYX waterproof mascara review

If you're a fan of NYX products, you must be really familiar with this kind of packaging. Most of NYX products are designed in very simple plain packaging, and usually stick with black color :p They always try their best to be look professional and universal.

Price: I bought it for IDR 128,000 / 8gr 

Monday, August 3, 2015

MOIST Homemade Face Mask & Face Scrub [review]

Halo semua, beberapa waktu yang lalu aku mencoba produk homemade lagi dari MOIST ;)
Setelah cukup lama ngga mencoba produk homemade dengan bahan-bahan alami, aku tertarik pas ditawarin untuk cobain produk dari MOIST ini :D Kenapa? Karena ada face mask green tea nya hehe. Thank you untuk owner dari MOIST yang sudah mengirimiku produk ini :)

Yuk mari kita lihat lebih jauh, MOIST ini produknya seperti apa sih?

Produk yang dikirimkan kepadaku adalah MOIST Green Tea Latte Face Mask (bukan late; terlambat ya :p) dan MOIST Coffeelicious Face Scrub. MOIST sendiri punya beberapa macam varian produk, tapi dua varian ini yang paling aku minati untuk coba :)