
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Schwarzkopf Freshlight Melty Cherry Foam Color [review]

Hello everyone! Finally last July I re-dyed my hair again ^___^
It's been really a while since my last dye.. my last dye was in 2013, exactly on same month XD
Because I'm not expert in hair dye, this time I also used hair coloring foam from Schwarzkopf~
(Since it's in foam form, it's supposed to be much easier compared than the regular hair coloring cream, isn't it?)

Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color in Melty Cherry! *Phew, I still can't spell their brand name properly x___x
Anyway I bought this hair coloring because I got a promotion price in Hypermart, it costs around IDR 120.000 for 2 boxes. Yay! Such a great deal :3 I'm planning to give away the second box in my future giveaway *hint*

my hair before coloring
Just in case you're interested to read my old crappy reviews about Schwarzkopf hair coloring in Melty Mocha and Caramel Brown you can read them: HERE and HERE ^__^

Read more to find out the result~

Friday, August 22, 2014

GULACO. Yummy Lip Scrub [complete review]

Hello everyone! ^^ I believe all of you hate dry and cracky lips, don't you?
Achieving perfect smooth lips is one of important goal in skin care regime :D
Here I want to introduce the best homemade lip scrub that I've ever tried! ^__^

Yes, it's GULACO. Yummy Lip Scrub!
GULACO Yummy Lip Scrub review, Review Lip Scrub Indonesia
PS: Anw, I photoshopped my died tooth little bit, because it was too visible on this photo T_T

So, I guess this is a perfect moment to try another lips scrub, isn't it? To be honest, I had a very drying lips condition and I didn't really pay much attention to my lips until it begins to dry, patchy and cracky XD I only apply lots of lip balm everyday and forget to exfoliate my lips properly. The only lip scrub that I've ever tried was Skin Food Green Coffe Lip Scrub, and the product itself definitely has expired because I purchased it in 2012  ( ノ˚☐˚)ノ!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Everyday with Simply Stay by Mustika Ratu

Hello everyone! ^-^ Happy (late) Independence Day for my Indonesian readers!
Hopefully our country will be better in every aspect after 69 years being independent! :)

So today, I'd like to introduce to my Indonesian readers and International readers about a well-known local brand named Mustika Ratu. Mustika Ratu brand was founded on 1975 by BRA Mooryati Soedibyo. Wow, what a long time ago, eh? It means Mustika Ratu have been established for 39 years! *proud of my country's makeup local brand*

Lately, Mustika Ratu just released their latest makeup line named "Simply Stay" ^_^
Just like a few bloggers who have reviewed this trial kit, I am one of the lucky bloggers who had chance to try this SIMPLY STAY makeup line :) Thank you for sending me this, BBlog and Mustika Ratu.
Sorry I'll use Bahasa Indonesia for this post. If you're one of my International readers (and keen to know more about this Indonesian local brand), you can use google translate button on the sidebar)


Seri produk basic makeup Simply Stay ini ditujukan untuk wanita yang aktif, simple dan selalu ingin tampil cantik setiap saat. Formula dan kandungan bahan alaminya aman digunakan dan disesuaikan untuk wanita Indonesia. Seri produk basic makeup Simply Stay ini diformulasikan khusus untuk wanita Indonesia yang tinggal di daerah tropis dan mampu bertahan sampai 8 jam.

Seri produk basic makeup Simply Stay ini mengandung:
  • Curcuma Heynean Root Extract sebagai natural skin conditioning untuk melembabkan, menghaluskan dan mencerahkan kulit
  • Tocopheryl Acetat (Vit E) sebagai anti oksidan alami
  • Octyl Methoxycinnamate sebagai UV filter alami untuk melindungi wajah dari paparan sinar matahari (UVB)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rub and Rinse Homemade Hair Treatment [review]

Halo semuaa :) Akhir-akhir ini aku mulai rajin memperhatikan kondisi rambutku nih :p
Udah lama banget rasanya aku cuekin rambutku ini >_< jenis rambutku termasuk kering tapi berminyak di kulit kepala. Nah, bulan lalu aku mencoba homemade product (lagi), dan kali ini untuk rambut ;)

Produk homemade yang kucoba kali ini adalah Rub and Rinse Hair Treatment 
I LOVE THEIR PACKAGING! *capslock jebol*
Packagingnya sweet banget ^^ suka sama model tutupnya yang dihiasin pita dan renda 
Bentuk jar nya sendiri kotak gitu, dan cuma ada label di satu sisinya. Pertamanya aku mikir kenapa tutupnya dihiasin kain yang bisa-bisa akan basah pas dibawa ke mandi mandi? o_o
Tapi setelah pake selama beberapa minggu, aku rasa tutup yang dihias sama kain ini berguna juga lho.. jadi pas muter tutup jar-nya, tangan ngga akan tergelincir :p
Untuk satu jar ini bisa abis dalam waktu 2-4 bulan tergantung pemakaian.

content: 350ml

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dandelion Waxing: Ice Wax & Spa Manicure-Pedicure

Hello everyone~ I would like to share my latest experience with waxing today ^_^
Recently, I was invited by Dandelion Waxing Surabaya to try out their services at  19 July 2014 ♥ 
Actually I have been invited to join their grand opening last May, but due to some reasons I couldn't join it :( Few weeks later, Shellen contacted me again and we arranged another appointment :D Yay!

Dandelion Waxing is located on Ruko GWalk, quite easy to find between other shops and restaurants on GWalk area :) Jangan nyasar yaa, cukup cari aja Ruko GWalk dan ikutin jalannya.. Kalo dari UNESA ke arah GWalk, Dandelion Waxing ada di kiri jalan~

♥ Dandelion Waxing ♥
waxing • nails • eyelash
BBM: 73EB2656
Line ID: dandelionwaxingid
Ruko Gwalk F/1 Citraland - Surabaya barat
OPEN DAILY: 10am-8pm

Friday, August 8, 2014

TDF Eye Radiance Serum [review]

Halo semuanyaa :D Kalian liburan kemarin pergi kemana sih?
Hari ini aku mau review tentang eye serum yang aku terima dari Miracle Aesthetic Clinic bulan Mei lalu >__< Maafkeun baru sempet direview.. Soalnya butuh waktu agak lama untuk ngerasain hasilnya sih *ngeles. Thank you Miracle Indonesia for letting me to try this product 

 Kalo kalian udah baca postku yang tentang Eye Revitalizing Peel Treatment, pasti udah pada tau kalo aku dapet TDF Eye Radiance ini setelah nyobain Eye Revitalizing Peel Treatmentnya mereka ^.^ Oiya, sekedar informasi aja.. TDF itu singkatan dari Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula :D

Menurutku packagingnya simpel, kelihatan bersih, dan cocok dengan image medis. Applicatornya sendiri pake yang bentuk pump (pompa) jadi gampang untuk mengontrol sedikit banyaknya serum yang mau digunakan. Packagingnya terbuat dari plastik yang ngga terlalu keras :p jadi, sebaiknya jangan dibanting ya.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

F&B: CUP and CRUMBS, Surabaya [review]

Hello everyone~ ^^ This is my 1st post in August!
Just back from my vacation few days ago and try to catch up with drafts and start to post again >w<
Last month, I had meet-up with my old friend in a new established cafe in Surabaya, yep, it's CUP and CRUMBS, which is located on Manyar Kertoarjo Surabaya ^__^
This gonna be a short post anyway~ XD just enjoy the pictures, ok!
It's been a while since my last post about Food & Beverage categories~ So, since I had a chance to visit this new cafe, I definitely brought my camera for blogging purpose :